Been out on my skis to the shops today, there is no snow so it was hard going, I can’t ski so that made it even worse and I don’t have any skis so I had to pretend. I got some funny looks then realised I was still wearing Rupert the Bear pyjamas and my angel wings as I had been playing with my dressing up box before I went out. Anyway, I managed to find my way to the shops only to discover that I had lost the list of things to buy and I had to rely on memory alone. I arrived home with 18 Kg of onions and a plastic trumpet. I had no recollection of the requirement of this trumpet but it was my favourite colour. I suggested that tonight, it’s going to be onion soup with onions and trumpet music galore. My wife just rolled her eyes (I think they might be loose as she is always rolling them) and then she made some noises that only bats and dogs can hear.
Still wobbling and frayed around the edges.