I was a serious smokers 4 and a half years back and gave up the habit because of pregnancy, and i never felt the need to start again. Of late i have however been smoking that one or 2 when am in the presence of my friends who smoke, and i just assumed it's ok, but of late i've been getting those urges despite the fact that i really don't want to be a smoker once more. can anyone advice me on how to control those urges or alternative of what one can do to divert my mind from that feeling?
I need serious help.: I was a serious smokers... - Quit Support
I need serious help.

Hi eizzy,
welcome to our lovely friendly place
Having reached over 4 years of being smokefree, it would be a real shame if you found yourself smack bang up to the amount that you used to smoke. Sadly, by smoking the odd one or two, you will find that your body and mind will allow the extra other one or two to slowly sneak their way back into your life.
Stopping smoking due to being pregnant is a brilliant reason for quitting and you have done really well to stay off them, as many women find that they return to smoking once baby is born. So well done for getting this far
Can I ask you how often it is that you are smoking these one or two cigarettes? Is it on a weekly or daily basis, and is it around the same time each day or each week?
The best thing really is to not take or even light up a cigarette in the first place but quite often, this is easier said than done
To be able to help you to help yourself, we need to determine whether or not these urges are physiological (your body's needs) or psychological (your mind's needs). Once we understand this, then we can help you to decide the best way forward.
When you stopped smoking last time, did you use anything? How did you feel when you quit?
You've come to the right place for help and I'm sure we will get you to be completely smokefree once again

Hi Eizzy, I am Jillygirl, as I have told other members I`m the silly one.
However like Emjay says youv`e come to the right place for help and support.
I myself am 63 and smoked since i was 17. I am just reaching 3 months of quitting. I use a inhalator to help .Dont need it too much now, but its there for me as a safeguard when I feel agitated.
Look through some of the blogs and questions people have posted its amazing how we all help each other. We also add a bit of humour to our daily lifes.
Please, please join our community I am sure you won`t regret it, and we will all welcome you. xx
Hi Emjay, I have to admit I feel very ashamed because I had sweared never in life to light a cigarret but it happened. I actually never suffered when i quit 4 yrs ago, I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms coz my body somehow rejected smoking by it self. I also never used anything, it just happened without me noticing i don't need to light up. But i've never felt better these last years, because I didn't have to be a slave to anything. (that's how i relate smoking, as being a servant to cigarrets).
How often am smoking depends on when I meet those who smoke, that means I can even stay for a week without smoking or thinking of it but when I see one being light it's like my mind takes a 360° turn on me. It's really humiliating and frustrating, but I believe joining this community was a big wakening call for as I never thought it could reach this point.
I don't think my body needs this at all, it just a matter of mind. but again am not an expert. All I know is I hate everything that has to do with smoking and yet I can't seem to control that urge. But I've decided that it's not too late for me, as they say one can have a relapse even after 5 years, it's how one deals with it when it happens. And thats why i trust being in these discussions will help me get back to reality of how cigarrets can control ones life.
Thanks for the advice and support , I will definately have a smoke free life.
Hi Jilly girl, Thanks for the support, I've read through most of the blogs and thats why i decided to join this community, as we all are going through the same stuff and have each others backs.
After smoking for so long I say good for you and keep it up. Am still young, I just turned 32, but the 5 years I smoked was already extreme because i could light up to 2 packets a day and when drinking was even worse, because it could easily double. Thats why am sooo scared to be a smoker again because from most of these blogs it's obviously a night mare to many to quit. Not to forget the many major health reasons one should not even smoke. But I won't beat myself in the head, i'd rather look a head and as you say I won't regret as this is the right place to be.

Hi Eizzy,
So glad you joined us. You certainly seem to be positive and focused now. Keep at it love you can do it. Have a look at what I did today on the daily blog. Not boasting, but like i said before if I can do it you certainly can. Besides you have a lot more years of health to gain but me. catch up soon. xx