I need help !!! : Please help I suffer with CPD... - Quit Support

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I need help !!!

Danuta67 profile image
20 Replies

Please help I suffer with CPD and still smoking My beloved husband passed away in September 2013 since then I smoking a lot more ! Now I am on the point I can't breath properly I have no energy and I have two small children to being up I tried e cigarets but I can't use them I have been on patches and tablets ! It's any hope for me ? Please help !!!!

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Danuta67 profile image
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20 Replies
glolin profile image

Hi Danuta and big warm welcome to quit support :)

Yes!! there is hope for you :) :) ..You really need to have a plan on how you are going to quit and put in some strategies for managing the tough times..

Please take some time and read the information under the topic headings as this will help you immensely in planning to quit.

You have two very good reasons your young children to quit for as quitting will certainly help prevent any further damage to your lungs.

write a list of the pros and cons of smoking as these will become your constant reminders

you can do this..we have many members here with COPD that have quit, The hardest part of quitting is the decision, as it takes alot of willpower to outsmart the cravings in those first few weeks,

Please stay in touch and let us know how you are going in the planning stage :) :)

We are all here to support you along the way :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

A big warm welcome to you Danuta :) :)

Our lovely Glolin has given you some excellent advise :)

Rite gal, please just sit yourself down and make a list of the WHY'S you want to quit :o I can think of 2 very small ones now :) :) Please have a good think about this :) write them down on a piece of paper :) make it as colourfull as you want soooo, it stands out :) :)

Danuta, I have to go to bed now, so please please reply to me and I will help you with the next stage of your quit journey :)

Pete :)

Danuta67 profile image
Danuta67 in reply to monky

Thank you for your reply I have to stop but even thoughts about it make me terrified I don't know what I can do I did stop before my husband died for 18 months with tablets but I gain nearly 3 stone what make my body really ache and week !!!! Now I have really bad time and can't breath what I suppose to do !????😫

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to Danuta67

Hi Danuta,

It appears to me that your greatest challenge is dealing with the psychological dependence you have on smoking. Clearly life has thrown you a few curve balls, but being "terrified" at the mere thought of "having to quit" is setting yourself up for grief, pain & ultimately, failure. Being anxious or fearful is a prime trigger to smoking. It can be a bit of a catch 22 situation. Fear of smoking OR quitting will have you grasping for a cigarette every time. I have no personal experience with hypnotherapy but perhaps you need to consult a hypnotherapist or a psychologist to assist you to a more calm approach before attempting to quit. Escaping the nicotine trap can be quite easy or it can be the greatest challenge you will ever face. The reality is, cigarettes do NOTHING for you beyond feeding your nicotine addiction. They don't treat depression or anxiety. They don't cure boredom or help you concentrate. Any benefit you may ascribe to smoking is only in your mind.....pure fantasy. If you can get your mind around this, I'm confident you can prevail.

letaparadise56 profile image

Dearest Danuta,

I am terribly sorry to learn of your troubles.

Now you need to listen up and instantly. You have got to imagine living, breathing and being happy. I quit because I couldn't breathe and I was drowning in my own coughing and snot and disgustingness. My coughing would wake me up and I would have sit up bolt right in bed just to catch breath. YOU CANNOT SURVIVE THAT WAY.

That final night, I prayed for God to help me because I did not know what to do. I typically only pray for others and never myself. There was one option left: quitting. That was the answer to my prayer. That is you're only option.

There are so many smart people here that will help you. Lean on us. We are all recovering addicts with kind hearts and intimately know your troubles.

I am praying for you. Now, you pray for yourself as well. Never give up.

Take care,


NgaireM profile image

So much good advice Danuta! Don't ignore it please - all of us recovering addicts know how hard it is to quit, but the benefits will far outweigh the the hardships, the financial burden and known medical consequences if you continue to smoke. Good Luck!

jim224488 profile image
jim22448834 Months Winner

Hi Danuta

What a tragic story and situation to be in. But I can assure you, you can get yourself out of this.

As Roneo says your biggest issue is the psychological dependence.

You can get nicotine into your blood stream by lots of different methods. But at the moment the lighting up an inhaling is deeply entrenched and its what you do to cope.

The more pressure you are putting on yourself to quit the more you want to smoke.

I recall times when I couldn't breathe because of my asthma and being so stressed and worried I would force myself to smoke.

If you can, give yourself a few hours break, try and extend it and see each long gap as a chance for your breathing to ease.

But get your self to a GP or nurse. Try gum or spray, Have some tools to hand.

But you are beginning to panic yourself which will make yourself worse both in terms of your breathing and increasing your desire to smoke .

You can do this, just need to stop for a day and see the benefits.



EmJay profile image

Hi Danuta67, welcome to Quit Support :-)

You have most definitely come to the right place to get all the help and support that you need to help you in this journey. Nobody said it would be easy, but everyone says that it is worth it :-)

You have been given some great advice by our lovely members already :-)

Stopping smoking is the single most important thing that you can do for your health and will also stop your disease from progressing any firther.

Stop smoking treatments such as NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy work really well, just as long as they are used properly. We can support you in the use of your chosen product :-) If you would like, I can find out the details of your local stop smoking service, you can then see a stop smoking advisor face to face and will be given your choice of NRT. Just let me know which area yu live in and I'll sort it out for you - You can send me a private message with your details :-)

Stay strong, stick with us and we'll help you as much as we can :-)

Danuta67 profile image
Danuta67 in reply to EmJay

I live in New Earswick yo32 4bd . Unfortunately hypnotherapy doesn't work for me I did try and that was just waste of money and time !! Thank you for all messages I really appreciate them !! Danuta

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Danuta67

Good evening Danuta :)

You have had lots of help and advice from some of our lovely members on here, soooooooo, you now know, your not alone gal and we are all here to help you :) :)

Danuta, am just wandering if you have made a list of the WHY's you want to quit :o if you have I would like you to read, read, and read it again to get it well and truly into your mind :) If you can make a few copies of it :) then stick them around your house, like where you think you would fancy a ciggie :o sooooo, it stares you in the face :)

This brings me onto stage 2 of your quit plan, please sit yourself down again and just think WHEN you get those triggers to smoke :o when are the worst times of day, when you get them cravings for a smoke :o Where are you, at these times :o what are you doing :o

Ermmm, perhaps like first thing in the morning, or after a cuppa, after a meal, etc etc :o

Now what I would like you to do Danuta, is to think what you can do to combat these urges :o Like ermm, when you get up in a morning, do you have a cuppa coffee/ tea :o well change to something else, if you have a coffee, then change to tea and vice versa :) or better still, have a glass of water :) Water is not only good for combating cravings, but it helps your body to clean itself out, plusssss, it will also help fill that little gap when you fancy a snack :) :)

After a meal :o well, perhaps go for a little walk, even if its up and down the garden, cos its not the norm :) breath that fresh air out their :) Smoking is not just the nicotine and all the other flippin toxins chucked in, its also a HABBIT !! sooo we have to try to break this too :)

Take care now and see's ya soon :)

Dont you ever forget Dantua, your not ALONE, cos we're alllll with you gal :) :) xx

Hi Danuta, that fear you have of quitting, ask yourself what are you afraid of ?

You know all the reasons why you should stop, but that is the conscious mind, the part that makes decisions and is logical.

However, where the habit of smoking is generated from, cannot see logic. The smoking habit itself, like any habit is under the control of the part of your mind that runs on familiar routines and thus hates change.

When you are psychologically attached to smoking, a good method allowing you to change comfortably is hypnosis. By working with a professional hypnotherapist, you can connect to that part of you where the smoking habit was created, so re-create a new habit.

Think about this. You are never a smoker; you are just some-one who smokes cigarettes; it is the cigarettes that actually smoke ! This means smoking a cigarette is not part of you as a person, but an external action. Hypnosis ends that fear of being without cigarettes at your side and will give you the motivation to move confidently towards a healthier future.

Hypnotherapy will help you end feeling that smoking is part of your identity and subsequently you end the need to smoke.

ivertherapy@gmail.com If you need more details I am happy to answer any further questions you may have- warm wishes Linda

plisi2253 profile image
plisi225318 Months Winner

It took a trip to the hospital for me, along with a nurse saying to me "When you daughter gets married, do you want to walk down the isle with your oxygen tank?" That's all it took for me. I was able to go to e-cigs and haven't had a tobacco cig since 10/5. I never thought I could do it, but you can!

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to plisi2253

Loving the shiny new badge

A massive congratulations on your one year quit, onward and forward to your second year now :) :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to plisi2253

Hayyyyyyy Plisi, am just flippin looooooooving your new Winners badge gal :) :) Hmmm, I think it looks quite smart, even though ave bin and catched it and shonned it up for ya :) :) xx

plisi2253 profile image
plisi225318 Months Winner in reply to monky

Funny thing you guys mentioned that. I quit on 10/05, so it hasn't been a year yet. How did it get that way?

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to plisi2253

Hi ya Plisi :)

We have your quit date down as the 10th May 2014 :) and today is 11th May 2015 :) :)

Look Plisi, av only got 1 brain cell see, soooo be gentle with me please :o :D :D

plisi2253 profile image
plisi225318 Months Winner in reply to monky

LOL :) My quit date is 10/05/14. How do I repair that?

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to plisi2253

ahh...i see you are in the USA and write your dates differently 10/5/14 is 10th of may to us whereas for you it is the 5th of October...I will fix it up for you..Sorry about the confusion

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to plisi2253

Hi ya Plisi :)

Whooooooops, I think I've made a boob :o :|

I am ever soooo sorry Plisi :( :( but I see our lovely Glowin has come to the rescue :) :) xx

EmJay profile image

Hi Danuta, I have sent you a private message regarding your nearest service :-)

You have been given some more great advice there from Linda (ivatherapy) who is more than happy to help you more if you decide to contact her yourself :-)

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