I quit smoking last 2020 and lasted until 2024 then recently I quit again for the last time and forever. So I'm asking if the withdrawal are the same since my first quit or it will be different? Some of my friends told me the first quit are kind of easy then the second time around the withdrawals will be a little be different. Is it true? Coz I'm kinda experiencing different this time around and it makes me a little bit scared. Having backache, chest pain, cough, cold and a little hard to swallow. Is it still normal? I used to smoke vape and cigarette last year before I quit again. Thanks for any answer.
relapse: I quit smoking last 2020 and lasted... - Quit Support
Wow well done Yukiooo,staying quit for +/- 4 years ! That just shows you that you CAN do it 😊
Regarding the latest quit, I'm afraid I don't know the answer. We're all different and each time we quit the circumstances are different. I suggest that you have a word with your health care team. It could be seasonal illness so just a coincidence, or it could be quitters flu. Either way I would treat the symptoms, hang in there you'll soon be nicotine free for ever
Hi Yukiooo , I agree with our lovely Tabby I think you need to see if it is one of the sesonal bugs that is going around. Once you know you can then concentrate on quitting smoking.
Every quit journey is different no matter how manyntimes you have quit, like no two people are the same with their quit journeys.
Stay strong and positive you have done it before you can domit again. 😊x
We are here to help you whenever you need any advice etc.
Hi Yukiooo great advice from jillygirl and Tabby 😊like what’s been said I would consult your gp or healthcare team if your feeling unwell as there is a lot of germs viruses about this time of year and it’s better to get seen even if it’s just for reassurance 😊 then you can continue your quit smoking journey
Best of luck to you and I hope your feeling better soon stay with it !!if you’ve done it once you can do it again 😊💪xxxx