As each week ticks by I am challenging myself more physically and last Saturday night was my first 10km trail race. It was REALLY tough going in places but I managed to run a lot of the first lap including the hills, the 2nd lap took its toll and had a bit more walking however my lungs did AMAZING!
Yes, all of the training since my first run on the 12th Aug 2019 has helped strengthen my body, lungs and heart however I know that I couldn't do this when I smoked 20 a day.
This weeks big news is I have signed up for a half marathon which I will do the first Sunday in September which happens to be the event that triggered my stop smoking. Last year I entered the 5km 'fun run' and I couldn't run as far as the 1 mile sign as I was too out of puff and thought I may die so I walked/ran the rest. I got home and smoked my last cigarette!!!
To go back a year later and run 13.1 miles is going to be a massive personal high.
Don't give up quitting and I hope you all have a great week