Hey guys just something id ask anyone I've quit for 5 weeks but got a horrible taste in my mouth and the taste in my mouth is fags its horrible can't believe i smoked. has anyone had this? the taste is horrible I'm also drinking water a lot also.
Quit for 5 weeks now.: Hey guys just something... - Quit Support
Quit for 5 weeks now.

Hi macman it's not something I've experienced.....but sounds flippin awful🤐😷. I'm assuming you've tried brushing your tongue and flossing? Maybe you need to change your toothpaste..... Or rinse your mouth out with salt water??
You could have a bacterial thing going on in your mouth that makes you think it tastes like fags but isn't ..... I'm just speculating here coz it's too early in the morning for me🙀
If no one else has had it then maybe give your dentist a bell and ask.....
Sorry I couldn't be of any help 😩
Ive been googling around and people has said that they've had it something to do with the lungs removing all the junk. its horrible thats what i can say lol
Your body is cleaning itself so you can expect to get weird senses from time to time. Enjoy them because you feel this due to your body becoming healthier and more efficient.
I didn't get this. What I do get is a feeling that I want to vomit when I smell cigarette smoke.
By the way, when I quit I started riding bicycle and that might have helped lungs to clean themselves. I used to spit like a camel Especially during first few weeks lungs were cleaning themselves up very intensely
Yeah i ride my bike a lot now and walk a lot more i actually feel like doing stuff more now like i didn't before i felt dead before when i was smoking atm i sleep a lot but i guess thats because of my body is changing in a way i have notice that i can walk and ride my bike better now than i could before the other day i was sick i guess thats a part of healing process. My chest tightness has eased off a bit but still get chest pains from time to time not sure if thats because of healing process or anxiety i suffer from anxiety so could be that also.
I guess you got that great feeling of uneasiness. I felt like I could lift anything, run for miles... (of course I couldn't, because before quitting I didn't really do anything)
Now this feeling unfortunately is kinda gone. Body readjusted itself to the new high-oxygen setting.
Another effect I noticed was sharp drop in being ill. While smoking: 2-3 times flu and 2 times bronchitis a year. Now it's great if I get flu at least once a year and instead of 1.5 weeks it takes like 3 days to be get well.

Hi Macman, I have just been browsing the net and apparently this taste in the mouth is pretty common. Everybody recommends mints , gum etc. After a couple of months they say it goes. I think like you say water is good for you. xx