today is my first day without a ciggy, not doing to bad. really need to do this as ive tried so many times
so my first day quitting not one ghastly fag ... - Quit Support
so my first day quitting not one ghastly fag so far :)

Well done you! Stay tough - I'm on day 4 - the withdrawal is a little difficult at times - it can make you feel dizzy & nauseous but... this WILL pass - I'm feeling better today. I have found a vape stick useful for when the cravings get too bad - it's hard going cold turkey. I also find that patches can be a help - you can get them free from the NHS Stop Smoking Service - They provide support by phone, text and email.

Go for it Sammy!

hiya Sammy and welcome to quit support 😊
You've made the very best decision you can for your health, so well done👍🏼
Have a good look around the site and if ya need anything just shout coz there's always someone around to help😊
Our motto is NOPE not one puff ever🚭
Good luck, you can do it😊x

Hi Sammy and a huge YAY!!! to you for getting through your first day smoke free!! Whoop whoop!!! I hope you find lots of hints and tips on here to help you on your way but the biggest thing is believe in yourself and N.O.P.E!! You can do this 😁

thank you all for your support its fantastic