5 weeks... unbelievable (but still worried)!! - Quit Support

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5 weeks... unbelievable (but still worried)!!

7 Replies

5 weeks in and still going strong, I never though this would ever be possible. I can also say with confidence I will not smoke again. If i think how tough those first few weeks were... don't want to do them again for sure. I am so grateful for finding this site and all the fabulous people on here.

I had a quick visit to the GP last week and although it was a very brief checkup. The GP put one of those oxygen finger monitors on me and the reading was 99% (not sure how reliable those are), she also listened to me my lungs with the stethoscope and said all was OK.

I am still very anxious about the discomfort i have on my upper body... i am hoping some of the long time quitters can relieve some of my anxiety.

Did anyone else suffer discomfort on their upper back or chest area? Should I be concerned? Is it possible that that GP tells you all seems OK but something serious is wrong? I am generally not an anxious person, but this is driving me nuts.

I have no other distinct symptoms, so I am hoping this is just my body recovering from years of abuse. 

7 Replies
Maddyg profile image

Way to go tictac 5 weeks already. Fantastic. The doc has give you a clean bill of health, I haven't suffered discomfort in my higher part of the body, well probably all over aches and pains in muscles  for at least 6 weeks, which has now gone now . If your really worried go back, but I guess you are maybe a bit anxious although you say you aren't, as every niggle I get I think o no something wrong with me, I have to tell myself I'm ok, but I do suffer with anxiety, my GP says it's my body recovering from all the abuse I have done to it by smoking. He is anti smoker, never smoked. When I'm relaxed and not thinking I'm good. I'm just a worrier. It does sound like your GP gave you a good health check though.

Again Well Done , You are a WINNER :) :) xx

J160 profile image
J1608 MONTH WINNER in reply to Maddyg

Maddy you are a amazing person who always seems to have the time and the right words to make others feel better about themselves well done.

Maddyg profile image
Maddyg in reply to J160

Arhhh thanks, but I am only doing what others have done when I have needed support , hugs xx :) 

droopyJ profile image

Hiya tictac..... It could be wind.... Is the pain severe?  Does it happen after certain foods???

If your doc is happy then you probably should be too 😊👍🚭🚭🚭🚭

Briarwood profile image

Great news getting the all clear at the G.P. well done hun👍🏼 maybe you're stressing about your health and the tension is causing discomfort☹️ Our bodies are great at healing and there's a lot going on when we quit, so please be patient. It's early days and you are doing brilliant. My own G.P. said it can take up to a year to fully recover and Rome wasn't built in a day😂 She was saying it in the best possible way as she's lovely. So hang in there with that terrific quit coz you will feel the benefits honestly. Relax and enjoy your new healthier lifestyle🚭💐😊

Thank you all for your comments, it is really appreciated. Although not anxious, i was not blessed with patience, i guess i need to give my body time to adjust and start healing.

glolin profile image

Hi tic tac,'

I was probably around the 6 to 8 weeks and got a tightness in the chest...It was a little scary..I had to brace myself any time I sneezed or coughed as it felt like my ribs were going to split in two. It's hard to describe the feeling, but I felt very rigid through that area....like everything else....i am happy to say, this passed 😀😀👍👍

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