I went cold turkey on January 10th of this year, it's march 5th and boy this has been a roller coaster ride!! I decided to quit my job, sometime i regret it and others I realize it was for my best interest, I am sixty years old and my husband and I quit together, I have gained weight!! I weight 225 pounds up from 185 and even then i needed to lose, trying to do a low carb diet that not going to good, the emotional ride is crazy, plus we decided to get a way we like to go to the casino and this trip smoke free room and the test of will power trying to be able to enjoy myself without a smoke in my mouth, I don't want to go back. it been hard as it is moving ahead with the benefits of course. It seems like I am mad all the time, nothing to do, fighting a hard hard battle. and for some reason every thing my husband do is wrong. I am and can be a bitch and it's not something I am proud of, I love life, people, and smiling and being happy all the time use to be me.
I want a smoke free life friends support both ways and happiness!!! Thank you guys for the positive feed back, for i know all must face their own individual journey. Missed you ALL