Im taking a time out, need some space sorry if I offended anyone with my remarks. I am very embarrased didnt know the rules. I hope the newbies learn quicker than i did. Im sure some people will be happy. I just wish someone had come to me before it got out of hand.
TIME OUT: Im taking a time out, need some space... - Quit Support

Not sure what your speaking about?? But I do know I'm full of mistakes and with the right attitude I've learn't more in it than any plane sailing. Bit of humility, direct quick amends for my harms (mean't) and then crack on-Be of use. Climbing into myself is a dangerous place for me to be, ultimately a return to tobacco and all the other bad behaviours that happily tag along. Claiming space is very understandable but know we are here...
I came to reply to you. Climbing into yourself shld be a good thing Iris, love yourself it will love u back. Right now there is a very strong person in your personal space (mr nic) and he is quite comfy. Push him out and hug yourself. Its you and only you that will pull through this mess. We r all guilty of mistakes its what u learn from them that counts.
Like I told u, if u need to use NRT, e-cig whatever do it, use it, no shame in it.
U can do this I know u can because if I can do two withdrawls at once (morphine and ciggies) u can do one. Give yourself a hug everyday u make it and even if u dont cause u r special and Mr nics job is too intice you or make u so miserable u welcome him back. He is like a rash the more u scratch the more it annoys u and hurts. Just ignore the piece of shizzle lol lol I know its tough.
What is it they say something like if it doesnt kill you it makes u stronger something like that. Did u find another newbie to help u thru, it really helps but when u talk to them and only them make sure its private especially if u r expressing yourself and its no-ones business. It really helped me get thru a bad day knowing my buddy was feeling just as crappy and I wasnt alone in my journey. Misery loves company especially giving up a crutch.
Im not far away and I watch out for you so if u need me I will come just like now. I just need to re-group myself. Always take care of u first Iris, the hell with others right now unless they r going thru what u r feeling they cant understand nor comprehend your pain, frustration, anxiety, emotions, or all out anger but we can. Its not so long ago I was where you r and trust me I havent forgotten how I felt or how I feel now. Take care cause I do see Im learning too.
I've got a soft smile on my face after your reading this, thanks bandit. go well my friend-Here's to growth & learning :O)
Im so glad u liked my reply I meant every word and I have faith in u 100%.. If no newbie is biting on your invitation I would be proud to walk with you.
I remember all too well how it felt and like I said Im doing 2 so if one leaves I still have the other to deal with and addiction is addiction one way or the other.
I dont know where u live so I will start I live in Canada, Ontario right now King City moving to Oshawa Ontario on the 30th. The time right now is 2am as u see I dont sleep. I have no children just my dog Bandit as seen above and my man Blair but he is always working and not home much so I bi-zitch to my dog lol.
Not sure if u have any symptoms yet if not great for you and if u do what are they. U r using NRT right e-cig so hopefully it wont be so rough for you. Im 57 an old broad who tainted my lungs for 40 yrs 20 or more/day. The latter yrs say last 10 or so been smoking bags native ciggies very bad for you god knows what they put in them lol. U can see me if u go to my name profile my big face lmao have no idea how to shrink a pic so there I be.
Now if u feel comfortable tell me about you. If u prefer to keep it private go to my name push message on the right and your message will only come to me. What ever your comfort is I will respect it.
It's very hard for everyone that stops smoking, you will always have urges but they are not that strong and you live with them. I found with this site for me it was nice to read from the non smokers that were ahead of me in there journey so I could see where I would be in that time. we lucky with this group as there are many different stages you can draw from.😀