what is up with the daily dull headaches?? Aggravating--not crippling --just nagging
HEADACHES: what is up with the daily dull... - Quit Support

When you quit smoking serotonin levels in the brain will drop and it has been found that reduced serotonin levels can lead to headaches😩
Lack of sleep and excessive caffeine are too other reasons why this may happen😳
It really can take a bit of time for the fluctuating serotonin levels to settle down. Theres's actually a good post on here about the changes in your brain, I think it's under pinned posts and I'll have a look for ya😊
well I sleep 15 hours out of 24 and cant handle caffeine so not that--must be serotonin drop
That's about how much I sleep but even the sleeping and tiredness started last May so I cannot contribute it to non smoking.
I, too, cannot do caffeine, well, the coffee, anyways because it is a trigger to smoke a cigarette for me so I gave up the coffee.

Ive been doing it a while too--but worse now--I have fibromyalgia and I think chronic fatigue goes with it--I cant do caffeine either without heart palps--I just read when you quit smoking coffee or caffeine in it hits you harder--nicotine sort of counteracts it a little--that being said--if I tried coffee now Id be in emergency room

Oh yep I see it, understanding the feel good chemicals in the brain is there. It might help you understand what's happening👍🏼
you know Ive been thru several wi thdrawals in my life--this was the one I was never going to do--and you kno what?? I can sure see why--lol
I don't know...I started getting almost daily headaches about 3 years ago. Doctor doesn't seemed concerned.
And they do not go away on their own. The only thing that takes away the pain is two Tramadol.
Never had hardly any headaches the rest of my life? Is it an old age thing? I wish I knew....
So, mine didn't start when I quit the nicotine?

I was on tramadol for 6 years for fibromyalgia--all of a sudden the tiniest biit would just send me over the edge--and I was taking up to 6 a day--so I had to withdraw from them--you would think that would be easy since they made me feel crappy but like cigarettes--I craved something that made me feel like shit--Anyway that's my tramadol story--sure wish I could takem--they helped..Id try taking 2 aspirin with them.. you kno they make ultracet which is tramadol with aspirin--just add your own--Im not a headache type person--I have 2 daughters with migraines so I minimize mine compared to Thiers...could you be experiencing rebound pain between tramadol doses??? No I don't think headaches are an age thing-Heaven help us if they are

search.aol.com/aol/search?&... I kno this is long but it is pages of stuff you may want to read--just copy and paste in browswer
Geeze....I'll have to check that out! I sure hope not because it is the only thing that gets rid of these headaches.
And, when you say, "would send me over the edge," what exactly do you mean?

drugs-forum.com/forum/showt... on this blog it talks about tramadol and headaches--Im sure you w ill find some helpful info here--hope it helps
--it was awful for my fibro when I could no longer take them.. I would immediately have side effects--creepy crawly--anxiety--fuzzy head--Look them up on internet--they are a narcotic even tho not classified as such--your body may be telling you it wants more--I don't want to alarm you just make you aware--I was told by several drs that they are not that helpful with headaches--I don't know--I miss them
Interesting. Thank you for enlightening me on possible Tramadol side effects. All I know is, I get bad headaches and this is the only drug that gets rid of the pain.
well then if they are helping keep on keeping on--Id still takem if I could--I have my daily headache now--for me I really think it is the non smoking--I quit gradually so I started having them once I got down to a smoke or two a day--Hang in there--the first day my head don't hurt I will shout for joy and feel like I may have turned a corner---tired of this