Anyone experiencing SOB w
Headaches?? Going into my 6th
week. Still a bit winded,tired,& all that comes w it.....;(
Could b CO2 retention, insufficient
Anyone experiencing SOB w
Headaches?? Going into my 6th
week. Still a bit winded,tired,& all that comes w it.....;(
Could b CO2 retention, insufficient
Hello Dee, Sorry to hear your suffering with bad headaches, they can be awful.
I hope you feel better soon.
Hi Dee
Six weeks in is a brilliant achievement, as for the headaches, well i am a migraine sufferer so couldnt tell to be honest!
Have you gone cold turkey? or are you using NRT?
I must admit even nearly 6 months down the line I dont think my breathing has improved at all, but it didnt ever feel laboured while i was smoking!
Hopefully Emjay will be along shortly to offer some advice
Just a thought, if you are stopping using an ecig, 2 things, maybe the nic level is too high, and are you drinking plenty of water? just you can get dehydrated, and that will def give you the headache hun.
The SOB is what helped me quit this time. B4 the W/D was a killer. Succumbed after 2 weeks. I am worried about my health. Sad it had 2 get to this point 4 me to quit.
and stay off the ciggies.
Thanks 4 ur comment
Helps a great deal
Hi Dee,,,,,, err must be a bit thick but what does SOB stand for.... I thought it might have been sons of bitches... but not sure
By the way....WHOOHOO 6 flippin weeks
I like urz
Ahhhhh that makes soooo much more sense now ....
No, I didn't have shortness of breath but I did have headaches to begin with and awful sleeping habits.... but I'm okayish now
It's like not able 2 take a satisfactory breath....
I'd settle 4 50%
Hopefully it will get better
Not to keen on relying on Inhalers
So glad 4 you that ur on the right track!!!!! Yaaaaaaa
Thanks droopyJ, I didn't want to show my ignorance by asking. It's a blokey thing. Sort of likely never asking for directions. As for the headaches Dee...... When you quit smoking, your brain cells regenerate at such a rate that your cranium can't keep up & that causes the headaches...... Ok! I made that up. But we're all definitely much smarter since we quit the wicked weed.
Aup Ron great to see you here yeah ha ha I think it is a blokey thing, cos I've been trying to work out what SOB stood for but wasnt going to ask
Keep up the good work pal and see ya soon.
I have only done nine days but I have headache every morning assuming it is part of the withdrawal symptoms. On the good side we take our dogs out every evening and I have already noticed I don't get as breathless going up hills. Used to stop half way up and pretend to be enjoying the scenery now I can manage without stopping.
Hi yorkiepam, 9 days is terrific so well done, glad you enjoying your walk so you are already seeing the benefit of it
The headaches will pass so your doing great, hang in there x
Hey deeFB,
How are you feeling today?
Headaches can be a positive sign of recovery and as Al says, drinking plenty of water can help - Also practise your breathing exercises too as getting good fresh oxygen into your lungs that will be circulated around to your brain will really help.
How are you now feeling with regards to your shortness of breath (SOB)?
Having COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) - especially if it is emphysema, and stopping smoking will initially feel like it has gotten worse. However, this is because you are not breathing in any of those 4,000 plus chemicals from tobacco smoke. Some of these poisons will relax the muscles and widen your airways, this may seem that it helps you to breath more easily when in reality there is more damage being done
The longer you stop smoking, the better your breathing will be. You will stop the disease from progressing and will also find that your lung function will revert back to normal
Well done to you though for sticking with us and pursuing a positive outcome
ps If there is anything that anybody does not understand (anything at all including any abbreviations) please do not be shy in asking as I'm sure there are others who would like to know You could always private message me and I'll see that it is explained
Today is a real downer. COPD is a lifer and irreversible. Well, it is what it is. I only quit cause I couldn't breath anymore. Met many people who after they quit developed all these reparatory problems. COPD, asthma,emphysema to name a few.... Thot I was immune,immortal,and that it would never happen 2 me.....I was dead wrong....All u can do is make the most of the damage that's already done.....Thanks for ur support...Helps to rant a little I guess
Ok Dee, soooo perhaps COPD is a lifer and irreversible, although saying that, I'm not sure ! but I do know, if you go back to smoking, it will get worse
But look gal, you've quit the cigs, soooooo it will not be progressing will it ? Come on, you can get over this downer period and look to a brighter and happier future
You've got to make it happen
Everybody thinks that they are immortal to everything, me included BUT they are not, we are not ! Soooo we have to make best of the life we have left and that is up to ''US'' quitting smoking is the first and foremost best thing to do and you've done that
Please, please just give your body time to adjust to your new life style like Emjay has said, without those 4,000 or more toxins inside you
Your doing ever so well Dee, please stick at it and keep us informed
Pete x
AOK Pete. Unfortunately, I feel like I have to feel bad and winded to keep me off the Ccccc. Crazy right.? Happened last year. Went to the ER and all that. Quit 4 2 months. Once I started feeling better, waawoe.
Back to my ole habits....You think I would have learned my lesson....
Just kidding.. I want more than anything to feel better and stay free
of my addiction
DeeFB....... Xo
Dee, you are doing really well and although there has been some damage done, please believe that it is never too late and that you really can stop the disease from progressing any further. You will slowly but surely start to feel the improvements. Even if how you feel now comes to a stand still, then you know it's not going to get any worse. Stay strong and stick with it
YorkiePam, you are now well into you 2nd week and heading fast towards starting your third Well done to you
I'm 8weeks headaches seem to be getting worse and my sleep is virtually none but I live in hope that it will all change soon 😳