Well 3 months in and still standing strong. Halfway through my previous quit. No cravings at all. Yesterday went to Cardiff only used my ecig 2 times over 6hrs so feeling very happy about that
3 months: Well 3 months in and still standing... - Quit Support
3 months

Good job, Andy .. thanks for sharing your experience!

Well done Andy, it's great to hear from you and I'm delighted you're doing so well👏🏼
be very proud of yourself and wishing you a happy smokefree Christmas🎅🏼🎄x

Can someone change my badge plz thank u xx

Aup Andyyyyyy am so sorry I havnt been on here before now, but av'e been a busy busy little bee this morning
plus i got company coming this afternoon so will have to be quick
Andy, am just flippin loving that your not getting the cravings now annnnnd using your e-cig less
thats just fantastic gal and am soooo PROUD and HAPPY for ya's
I have awarded you with a 3 months Winners badge but we have your quit date down as the 20th September, if this is wrong, then please feel free to slap the backs of my legs
but one warning, I may like it
Andy, we count the first 4 weeks in days, then we go to calender months and count your progress in calender months there after If you are counting your quit journey in weeks, to which your very welcome to
then you will have to just slap the backs of my legs the day before your Winners badge is due
cos our data base only works in calender months
What ever works best for you Andy cos your doing ever soooo well and am just flippin loooooooving it
Well done Andy, 3 months smoke free is FANTABULOUS 😃😃

Thank u everyone.