Day 6 now and I just read on this site that nightmares could continue for 3 weeks which is okay with me. I need to stop smoking forever. Not even one puff EVER again. I can't believe how addicted I am. I read it takes the brain 3 weeks to balance the serotonin...... Hang in there everyone🌸
Nightmares🌜: Day 6 now and I just read on this... - Quit Support
Hi Arizonasands... Keep up the good job... All we need to do is just have patience and not to let the craving get better of us..NOPE not one puff ever...
The nightmares/vivid dreams are a result of the nicotine levels going from the body. But also the changing balances of chemicals (including extra oxygen) in the bran. It's not a guarantied side effect. But lots of people get it and it's quite unpleasant. It can go on for a few weeks (mine did).
On the plus side, after I quit I found I was sleeping better and I think I felt like I needed 15 - 30 mins less sleep each night most nights and felt like I was getting a better quality sleep. Previously someone has posted on here some graphs about the various chemicals in the body and the impact of smoking on them. It shows how much smoking impacts sleep.
Hang on in there, stay strong and remember it does get easier, and things will get better!
Well done Arizona, patience persistence and perseverance and you'll get there👍🏼😊x
I suffered from bad dreams and disturbed sleep for a week or two. It does pass and it is worth it. Have been smoke free for 15 months now. Hang on in there.