i have only smoked a couple years 30 years ago. Now when i smell smoke or come in contact with second hand smoke I become dizzy and can't breathe. But the worst is to feel like I have a smokers problem
feeling bad: i have only smoked a couple years... - Quit Support
feeling bad

Hi Dinkidoggy, its lovely to meet you and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
I will be honest with you Dinki, I've never heard of this before ermm, may I ask if you suffer with your breathing at all
cos am just wandering, if its a form of anxiety
Some people think they have got something wrong with them, but they havnt its all in their mind
BUT, they worry about it and this makes it worse
if you see what I mean
Dinki, if I was you, I would just go see your GP and ask them about it, I am positive you havnt got a smokers problem but just to be on the safe side eh
Please let us know how you get on, cos it just may help somebody else in this community
Take care now Dinki and I hope you get sorted out
thank you i will see my doctor.
hey monky, i joind the group to because i feel like smoking, even with the trouble it causes. so i just would like support to keep saying no. thank you. excerise helps to avoid a smoke. but winter is coming in the rockies so i need extra support. i have stepped back and have avoided any triggers. controlling stress, people who smoke and drinking hot tea. i hope to help others as well
Hi ya Dinki Yes, exercise has helped me flippin loads through my quit
Dinki, you can exercise indoors as well
all you have to do is, put a CD on and have a dance to it, depending on how you feel, the faster the better
its all exercise gal
We are all here to give support to each other soooo, if and when you need a little help, just come on here and we will try to help you
dont you ever forget that eh
and it would be lovely if you could help others too, thank you
Dinki, I'm not sure what your quit date is so if you could please let me know, then I can award you with a Winners badge and add you to the Wall of Winners
Hope to speak soon

Welcome dinki, lots of support here for you to keep saying no, well done😊x