I have stopped smoking for 9 days now struggling on and off found this site and it helps reading other people's stories I have gone cold turkey as I have tried before using nicotine replacement and e cigs and failed miserably gave up for a year once and thought I could social smoke big mistake
9 days so far: I have stopped smoking for... - Quit Support
9 days so far

Hi Lottie - Well Done on your 9 day quit - that is a great achievement
As we all know, it 'can' be a struggle, but you are sticking to your quit
and that is a great reason to congratulate yourself and feel proud of what
you are achieving.
Past quit attempts are something many of us can relate to - but they can
be used as valuable tools for our next attempt - enabling us to 'not' make
the same mistakes again.
So keep on going Lottie - your doing just GREAT
Just take one day at a time and before you now it it will be months not days as a no smoker😀
Welcome and congratulations on a fresh start!

hi Lottie and a big warm welcome to quit support.
9 days smoke free and cold turkey....FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!...
Many people fall to that...just one smoke....You need to tattoo our wee mantra firmly in your brain..NOPE = Not One Puff Ever..
Now doesn't that sound easy
Lottie can you let us know your actual quit date so we can add you to the wall of winners.
Take a read of some of the info under the topic headings as there is a wealth if information to help you along the way and come on here and rant rave yell scream or just for a chat for distraction
Keep up the awesome quit you have going there
Hi thank you it was Sunday the 30 th August 10 days today struggling a bit today think it's because I am not very busy at work so trying to do things to take my mind off smoking
10 days is awesome
.. trying thinking of what you are going to spend the money on that you are saving
......visualize yourself doing it... Sing your favorite song in your head
..sip on water...chew gum.. familiarize yourself with the breathing exercises under the pinned posts
You can do this Lottie.....what am I saying :D....YOU ARE DOING THIS
Keep up the awesome quit you have going

Hi Lottie24 and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community PLUS a massive well done to you for reaching your 9th, ermmm, no 10th day quit now eh
and cold turkey too
I take my hat off to you for going cold turkey, cos I know that I could never have quit that way
you are just ACE
Lottie, please stay with us, cos as you have found out, were a rite friendly helpful bunch on here and it does help us to talk We all want the same thing and that is to be smokefree and FREE again
Please, if you have any questions, or want a good old moan, or just fancy a chat, then please feel free to do so
lottie, I have put your quit date down as the 30th August if this is wrong, then please feel free to kick my ass
and I will rectify it asap
You stay focused now and BELIEVE in yourself and your capabilities HOLD your head up high and be PROUD of yourself and you will get to where you want to be FREE of mr nic
Speak soon, Pete
We are at the same spot. I am trying to make my mouth busy by eating gums and candy.
Hi Joe and welcome to quit support.
Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking
Take a read of some of the info under the topic headings as there is a wealth of information about quitting
Can you let me know your quit date so we can add you to our wall of winners.
Keep this site nice and close as there are some amazing people who have successfully quit smoking and are always offering support
Omg me to keep eating just seems to help but at the same time don't want to gain loads of weight can't win
I know your right I have decided to just concentrate on the no smoking for now
one day at a time..I quit cold turkey too and so glad that i did, the first month was tough.....but after that...everything else was manageable. You are almost half way there
I smoked 30 a day for 40 years.....and never thought that i could quit..14 months later...loving it
Believe in your own strength and desire to succeed and you will get there
Wow well done you that gives me great hope I am not feeling to bad in all honesty it has been easier than I thought I don't think the nicotine replacements or e cigs helped me before when I tried to give up they seemed to make me want a cig even more
i had never ever tried to quit before..thought about ..but never actually tried. I found it quite easy..what i found tough was all the weird things that came with my body recovering from no nicotine and none of the 4000 chemicals in cigarettes..Insomnia and lack of concentration were the two toughest for me..With having a job that is directly responsible for accreditation audits made the last part of 2014 pretty tough
Like everything else, nothing lasts for too long..most symptoms of recovery that i got only lasted about 4 weeks..i so just rode out each wave...
Looking forward to watch your weeks turn into months