Well tomorrow is the day that my life begins.
Quit Day Tomorrow: Well tomorrow is the day... - Quit Support
Quit Day Tomorrow

Hiya Debs, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
Rite deb, you got your quit date for tomorrow 26th May 2015 sooooo, lets get you their and keep you their toooo eh
Please let us know how your going to quit, whether its with NRT or you going cold turkey, cos perhaps we could help you
Hi, I am going to use patches and maybe an inhaler if going is to bad. I know that I will have bad times as I live with 2 smokers but they have agreed not to smoke around me and not to give me a ciggy not matter what.
Debs, you got some great friends gal
The patches are fantastic gal, BUT, saying that, you may get a rash where they have been, but your body should get used to them in a few days Plus, it might get a bit ermmmm, windy
this is normal, you just have to stand near a open window or door
The inhalator is also very good, if used rite you do not put it in your gob like a fag and suck at it
I made that mistake when I used it
If you just put it to your lips and sort of pull it downwards sooo the bit in your mouth points upwards to your upper gum, then have little sort of tuts at it
little sucks at it, so the nicotine heads up to your upper gums
this way it will be stronger and last longer
Debs, I know you want to do this, sooo, lets help you to get where you want to be, smokefree
Good luck for tomorrow
Thanks for your support. Thanks also for the information on how to use the inhaler properly I just thought that you used it as if you were smoking a ciggy. It will hopefully help me to make this quit my last. Again thanks, beginning to look forward to tomorrow now.
Good luck debs, you are strong, probably a lot stronger than you think
Every day that passes on your quit is so powerful! And every day your body recovers a bit more. It isn't easy for everyone, but is the best thing you can ever do, so yay! Begin that great life!
We'll all be with you. Come on here and let us know how youre doing. I couldn't have done it without the support of these wonderful folks here

Hiya debs and welcome to quit support😃
Believe in yourself and you can do it and yes it's a much better life being free from cigs👍
Good luck and if things get tough just come on here and someone is always on hand to help😃x

Thanks for all the support
Good Luck for tomorrow Deb, Keep in touch.
This is your start to a Happier, Healthier future,

Hi Deb and a welcome to quit support.
All the very best of luck on your quit journey and remember we are all here offer support anyway we can

How are you doing Deb?