Trying to give up smoking, thought i'd do it for lent. Didn't smoke at all yesterday, but had three tokes on a ciggie today. Parents smoke in the kitchen and the living room, boyfriend smokes.. I feel so unsupported at home like they just do not give a f*** and do not in any way try to make it easier.
Smoking: Trying to give up smoking, thought i'd... - Quit Support

Hiya littlekirstee and welcome to quit support
I really feel for ya coz it's a very hard thing to give up especially when others are smoking in the house I know coz I live with a smoker. The only thing I can tell you is it although it's really hard, it can be done. The good thing is here everyone knows how hard it is and we understand and will support you all the way. Do you think they would agree to smoke outside or maybe just one room ? You sound like you are really trying very hard to quit and that's brilliant. Do you have any form of nicotine replacement or are you trying cold turkey. We will help you and we really do understand

Hey LittleKirstee, welcome to our happy place
I'm trying to give up crisps for lent, so far it's not too been too bad but that's because;
1) I've made sure I have none in the house - and I have asked the hubby that if we do, then not to offer me any!
2) The big fat KFC I have just given in to has distracted me from any thoughts of Kettle crisps!!
With regards to living with and being around others who smoke (supportive or not) this is always going to be the case for many people like yourself. If you could just stick with us and let us support and encourage you, then maybe we can help you to become that strong person who can remain smokefree I was in a similar situation to you (many, many, moons ago) and it was hard but it was also worth it too
Following on from what Briar says, are you using any form of NRT to help you? I can refer you on to your local stop smoking service where you can receive NRT for free or for the cost of a prescription of you have to pay for them.
You've come to the right place and we'll do all we can to help you

Hi LittleKirstie and welcome to quit support.
I really do feel for you. It must be hard when you are surrounded by smokers, but like the others have said, it can be done. At the end of the day, this is something you are doing for you
and your lungs will thank you for it
Come on here and rant and rave if you need too as like the others have said, we do understand the challenges that come with quitting.
I think it is fantastic that you are trying..Keep at it as with a strong determination, you will win
We have a bit of a mantra we use NOPE...Not One Puff Ever!!!!!! just need to make that commitment

well done LittleKirstie, it is so hard. I am on day 5 not planned as such but have been smoking for 30+ years!!!! (crumbs that's scarey, where has the time gone. up in smoke lol?). One day at a time and ask for support from your family, tell them you want to give up and aske them to respect that and maybe join in. If I can give up I believe anyone can, you don't want to be my age and smoke!

Hi ya Kirstee a big warm welcome to our quit support community
I see you've had lots of great advice already Were a friendly bunch, so please feel free to join in
I live with 2 smokers who smoke in the house
so I know what your going through
I know you really want to quit otherwise you wouldnt be here, sooo, lets get you quit then eh
Firstly, I would like you to sit yourself down and write a list out of the WHY's you want to quit
the benefits you will get from being smokefree
Make it colourful and bright, then stick in your bedroom somewhere you will see it when you get up in a morning
This may give you a little ermmm, bump start in the morning
Maybe get a nice air freshener for your bedroom so it dosnt smell of fags, cos fag smoke seems to get everywhere Go out for brisk walks and fill your lungs with that lovely fresh air
maybe join a gym, cos exercise helped me a lot in the early days of my quit
As for your boyfriend, I'm sure you could persuade him not to smoke in front of you
Draw a plan up for when you get them triggers, the times you really want a smoke, try to alter your routine perhaps, try and drink plenty of water cos this helps get rid of some of the cravings, plus it helps to clean your body out too
If your going to use any form of NRT, then please let us know and we will help you with it and we will support you all the way Kirstee Hope to see you soon

no one around me gave it up just me i feel alone till i come on here,, and just knowing i dont wanna be a smoker makes it all worth it
good luck at home dont let them beat you