been 48hr without a cig the only thing that's is making me feel crappie is the light headed feeling ended up phoning stop smoke for advice been told its normal 48hr cold turkey and walking 18,000 steps a day so wishing i could sleep right now
update: been 48hr without a cig the only thing... - Quit Support

Hi Stacey, I quit cold turkey and know exactly how you're feeling. Drinking plenty of water helps with the the light headed feeling, and if you're into relaxation tecniques they really help too but the best thing I can offer as support really is that it doesn't last much longer. When I quit I was irritable, tired but unable to sleep, dizzy and tearful. For the first few weeks these symptoms were quite intense to the point where only sheer willpower got me through but after that the symptoms lessened and pride in what I'd achieved brought me the rest of the way.
It's not easy but you are doing a great job so hang on in there. I know every hour seems like a week but the clock will soon speed up again and before you know it you'll be through the worst

Hi Stacey, Your doing great. Like LilyMay says these feelings are normal. for the first couple of weeks.
If you go to hints and tips to the right of the page there is lots of useful information there.
Stay positive you can do it.

Hi ya Stacey, your doing so so well on your quit gal
and I bow down to you for going cold turkey
Yeah, like the girls have said, what your going through at the moment is pretty normal but it shouldnt last for long
We get a sort of quitters flu
which makes you feel crappie
As for you not sleeping, just wandering if you have tried Camomile tea ?? cos there are a few members who use that to help them sleep they have a cup just before they go to bed
I think it just calms your mind down a bit to help you get a good nights sleep
Have you seen Emjays post about the breathing exercise
Stick at it Stacey and try to keep focused on your quit

hi Stacey, I am feeling your pain. I quit cold turkey too. Try and stay strong as it will get better.
It isn't easy quitting, it took about 4 weeks for my sleep patterns to return to normal.
All the emotions that you are going through, will be so worth it in th end.
Stay strong and all the very best on your quit journey

thanks i already had sleep problems before i started to quit smoking i finally got my quit kit threw the door today and listerning to music i went by someone who smoked today and all i want to do is throw up at the stench and the light headed ness has easyed abit from this morning just trying out to block them cravings so went and got some suger free gum as i am trying to loose weight whilst doing this

Hi Stacey, you are doing fab
At lease at this point you now know that there isn't anymore nicotine left in your system
However, you have things called nicotine receptors in your brain. These receptors are very, very powerful little 'gremlins' and most new 'quitters' can find it really difficult to ignore them. When this happens, the person will quite often return to smoking
Regardless of whether or not NRT is used, it can take between 8-12 weeks for these receptors to down regulate. The best way to overcome their sneaky little ways is to practise your breathing exercises - so that you can overcome the strong urges that they send, be ready for them - so that you know what to expect and lastly - remember that the feelings they bring wont last forever
Stay strong and keep smiling
I always try to say hello to all the cold turkeys on here because I think that you're ALL absolute superstars.I know I couldn't have done it without my Ecig so to go cold turkey for 2 days is Amazing.The only advice I can give is maybe try not to do too many things at once (advice someone gave me when I first quit & said I was also gonna loose the weight at the same time) quitting the cigs is hard enough so if you want the odd piece of chocolate then go ahead. Good luck flower, you'll be just fine.Hugs H x

Hiya Stacy, congratulations on your quit, you're doing a great job and all that walking is just brilliant
Things will get better so hang in there and it will pass, even though you feel bad at the moment, it will all be worth it I promise you x

i have just been with my brother and his family they all smoke and still didn't have one and very proud of my self the stench made me feel bad enough nearly day 4 without a cig so proud of my self today
Well Stacey, that's fantastic and you should be feeling very proud of yourself
I actually hate the smell of them now as well and it's one good reason not to have one, coz I never want to smell like that again
It's amazing that when we smoked, we never really new how bad it smells and now we have stopped, we do know
All the more reason for giving up the smelly thing x
so do i now didn't notice it till my brother came near me that made me feel sick my whole places is smoke free zone even put the clothes i was wearing in the wash due to them smelling of smoke when i got home
Hi ya Stacey yes you be proud of yourself gal
cos I tell you, I am sooooo proud of you
Your going great guns gal, you just remember to keep on kicking that nic devil into touch eh

well having a hellish day 5 of been quit due to finding a lump on my boob last night head been every where not been to sleep properly and all i wanted was a cig after i found it so trying to bake my way out of that craving today
Hi ya Stacey
I'm soooo sorry your having a bad day gal
but we do get these days during our quit journey
Hmmm, I can understand you when you say you've found a lump on ya ermmmm, body Please please go to your docs just to make sure it isnt anything nasty eh
But in the mean time, worrie dosnt get you anywhere soooo please try to calm down a bit eh
take some deep breaths, go for a walk and chill out abit
A lump on your erm whatsit could be anything
Stacey, your doing ever so well on your quit and no matter what this lump is, it will be far better that you are smoke free to help it heal what ever it is
Stacey, I'm sending you loads a strong vibing huggs gal to try and help you through this tough time

Aw Stacy, what a bad day you having but a cig will NOT make it any better hun
You keep baking and doing what ever it takes to fight those cravings coz 5 days is FANTASTIC you are doing so well that you have the worst days behind you now and I'm really sorry that you found a lump and hopefully everything will be fine. I know it's such a worry but can you get to your GP tomorrow and get it checked?
Hang on in there for another few hours and tomorrow will be day 6 and you nearly have the first week under your belt
The lack of sleep takes it toll unfortunately and tell your GP all about that tomorrow and hopefully you get a bit of sleep, although your mind tends to go into overdrive and I know that's really difficult.
You are doing just brilliant, believe me and sending good vibes your way to help x

thank you all i have been doing is baking and nana naps to try getting some sort of rest
Stacey, you do what ever it takes to calm yourself down
But please remember, that worry dosnt solve anything you can worry and worry and worry, but it wont alter things
Sending you some bestest ever calming nana naping huggs to help you sleep Stacey I am so so proud of you gal
Take care now and see's ya tomorrow xx
Hi Stacey,
Sorry to hear you found a lump, I seem to remember you're quite young ??
This happened to my daughter not long ago, she went to see our GP and she explained to her that sometimes young woman can get a firm lump that may move around a bit. Hopefully this will be the case for you
As Briar said to you having a smoke will not help and you have done brilliantly not to have one.
Take care, phone GP tomorrow and enjoy your baking
Ace Shan, just ace gal
Thank you so much
thanks shan yer i am young ish i am 26, i have just been doing a cake for my sister as it her 4 wedding Ann coming up, i have a family history of cancer that what worries me as my older sis had a scare this year and have an appointment already booked in with the Dr so i am mentioning it and i know smoking a cig wouldn't answer my problems my mum said the same to me so trying to find distractions left right and centre even finished my Xmas shopping on line today
It's only natural to be worried, especially in light of your family history. I have the same in my family, most of the relatives who have passed away has been to some form of cancer
Hopefully the visit to the Dr will put your mind at rest
Good for you on finishing your Xmas shopping list, wish I could. I normally wait to the last minute then panic buy and end up spending way over my hubby's imaginary budget
Lets us know how you get on at the Dr

been to dr about that lump is not out bad its a milk duct and 1 week to day i quit smoking and i am very proud of my self and food taste diffrent