Any advice on using E-Cigs please, I am goin... - Quit Support
Any advice on using E-Cigs please, I am going to put out my last cigarette in a couple of hours.

Aup Saigon, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site
You dont say what sort of e-cig you are using, but I have tried the erm, look-a-like fags e-cigs and the vapour e-cigs and the vapour e-cig is far better for me
What I did is, like some of our other members on here, I practised with it first for a few days, so that I could get used to it I would have a fag, then the next time I wanted a fag, I used the e-cig and soo on
after a few days of doing this, I was on here chatting away and noticed that I hadnt had a real fag, I was just using my e-cig, so I said to myself, this is it and havnt had a real fag since
Its just a matter of getting used to it and let it become the ermmm, norm eh, let it be your new freind
if that makes any sense
I used to smoke about 30-35 a day, so I got the 1.8mg liquid strawberry flavour which suits me
I hope I have helped you and good luck
Thanks Peter, I have the cigtronica, I will try it tomorrow, not east as I currently live in Saigon and cigarettes are 70p and people smoke freely here,min restaurants etc, but like your advice of making friends with it.
WOW, you live in Saigon, thats ermmm a few miles away from here then and over the pond toooooo
Hey, tomorrow never comes so you get started today and practice using it
It must be a lot harder for you over their, but maybe just try to keep out of some of the smoking places I know it will be hard for you
Double WOW.... Saigon!! Maybe you would enjoy the smell and tastes of Saigon better once you have quit and got your full sense of taste and smells back..
Good luck with it all, keep strong and we will give you as much support as we can -x-
I don't think the benefit of smelling Saigon will be more enjoyable once I quit, believe me, it's a different world I will focus on other benefits.
Thanks for the help and support.
There must be something there that smells good?! Feeling a bit peckish, so thinking of food again......
I've found this for you betts
Mmmmmmm bizarre that looks just like an English breakfast...... Ill be disappointed if I go there and that's what I get
Well its not flippin fish is it
What more does a Woman want first thing in the morning
you want a list ?????
Ermmmm, perhaps give that one a miss eh
Mmmm mmmm!
Now we're talking
Smells gooooood, Pete. Love the smell of bacon cooking.
I'm easy to please
by the sound of it...
Me too Betts
As in like the smell of bacon and easy to please This is all I can find -x-
I'm nearly 10 months quit and did it with an ECig.Mine was the type that took cartridges & like Pete (Monkey) I smoked 15 a day for 38 years so started with the full strength cartridges (think it was 24mgs) and dropped every 5 weeks or so until I was on the nic free ones back in January.
Have to say,I tried to quit a few times but this was the easiest quit & I put that down to the ECig, really really helped.
Just so any positives to quitting,I can walk without getting breathless,I can taste and smell things so much better than ever before and I'm saving money.Even at 70p a pack over 10 days adds up to £7 and so it goes,I know we save more here but just think that what you will be saving is your future health and wellbeing.
Good Luck from.a fairly grey North East England.
Hugs (& let us all know how you do)
p.s.If you search old posts PinkieZoom (Al) posted some great hints and tips on Ecigs a couple of months ago,well worth a read.
Thank you for the positive feedback, I have set myself to go on the ecig tomorrow, 1st July and wean myself down, like you say 70p saving still mounts up but even better the health etc, I return to England at the end of September and do not want to be paying 10 times the price so my 90 challenge starts tomorrow .
Wow, you will definitely feel the difference in your pocket when its upwards of £8 a pack back here!
Where are you going to.
I found the e cig was the only thing that stopped me smoking. The problem was that I got way too addicted to it. When I smoked I smoked between 5 and 10 roll ups a day. With the e cig I was using a cartridge a day (equivalent to 40 cigarettes) side effects I had with the e cig were heart palpitations and lack of sleep. This was because I was using it too much. I have also developed M.E. Don't know if this was caused by ingesting too much nicotine (the skull and crossbones on the back of the e cig cartridges warn that pure nicotine is highly toxic and sometimes the cig did not heat the liquid up enough so I got pure toxic nicotine liquid in my mouth) as one of the possible causes of M.E. is thought to be a reaction to a large amount of toxin in the body. I don't know if this is also to do with the e cig but I have also put on a lot of weight I have gone from a size 12 to a size 16 in six months. Any way as I am pregnant I am not using the e cig anymore I am trying to quit using nrt lozenges again but am still ending up smoking about 3 a day and hating myself for it. I was thinking of trying hypnosis has anyone heard any good things about this method?
Hiya Saigon,
I decided to use the E Cig ( the one with liquid ) - it really works for me - I have done 4 weeks now and only lapsed a couple of times in the morning - but the most real cigs I have had is one ! I reckon the E. Cigs are very good - I use 11mg and hope to get down to the Nil nicotine soon, then hopefully give up altogether ! ( Only used to smoke around 6 roll ups a day, but its still as hard as a heavy smoker to give up believe me !! )
Keep at it - willpower is easy to say but hard to practice, but we've all done it and in the end its so worth it !! Good luck xx

I have a few tips to help you get the most out of your ecig, and hopefully help you squash the urges.
Firstly i am assuming that your ecig is one were you put the liquid in.
If it is then read on.....if not, just delete this message and brand me a clown lol!
Ok firstly, when filling up the tank, always remove it from the battery hun, otherwise the pressure makes the liquid leak out.
When filling it up, try and do it slowly so all the liquid runs down the side of the tank ( the inside obviously lol) and none goes down the little hole in the middle, as this is where the heated element is, and if the liquid goes in there, you will get a gurggling noise, you can burn it off, by just pressing the button to allowing it to heat up.
When charging the battery, always get a cotton bud and wipe out the bit of the battery that connects to the charger, you will notice that a little bit of liquid sometimes leaks out. NEVER charge for more than 2 hours, to get the best life out of your battery, also for safety reason too.
Check that you are using the right level of nicotine in your liquid, i only use sociallites brand, so cant comment too much on others, but i used to smoke 20 benson and hedges gold a day, and i am on the 2.4 or 24mg nicotine ( the highest they do ). Another member called sinfree found an article that suggest we only get about 50% of the nicotine that is in the liquid, so maybe moving up to a higher level to start with until you have dealt with the habit side of giving up the real fags might help.
Tell yourself when you get the urge for a cigarette, that your ecig has the nicotine you need, and puff on that first, wait a couple of minutes as you dont get the initial hit like you do from a real ciggie. Hopefully the desire to have a real one has passed.
Hope you are managing ok, it is the only thing i have managed to quit with x
Thank you so much for the valuable information.
I will try and go on my E-cig in the next few days, just need to make friends with it I guess.
My initial reaction to e-cigs was not very positive. I tried one of the disposable type and it made me cough(!). After my rather enforced quit, I bought a "proper" e-cig and I guess I was rather more motivated to make friends with it. It didn't take long. I think you need to get used to it.
I'm guessing that we learn how long and how hard to suck automatically (after all we're mostly experienced smokers!) and, once we've adjusted our technique, we get comfortable with it. My next guess would be that it might not be easy to go back to ordinary cigs because one would have to adjust back again - but I'm not going to test that assumption!
Short message: keep trying with the e-cig. It took a little while to get used to smoking ciggies. It might take a couple of days to get used to e-ciggies.
Thank you for the advice, I will keep trying and will let you all know in a few days.

When I first heard about e-cigarette. I do my own research about it. I found out that it's a better alternative to the traditional cigarette smoking. A lot of smokers too who made a switch from the traditional one to e-cigarette. I would say it's working on me because I didn't feel the urge and crave for the traditional cigarette because I'm very satisfied with the vaping sensation e-cig is giving me, especially now that it is available in different flavors.