i am47 live on my own and my spirometer reading is26 whichs is not good whats the best way to calm yourself wen u cant get breath as its frightening and wen do u call for help yes got leaflets butany tips please
what do people like me wiv emphsema cant breathe - Quit Support
what do people like me wiv emphsema cant breathe
Hi Trinal welcome, you may want to try the british lung community....they are also here on healthunlocked.They might be able to give you some advice on breathing techniques.
Hope it goes well with you -x-
Ask doc to refer you to a physio. Helped me. There are also lots of breathing exercises on u tube. To relax put focus elsewhere as you lean or sit down ...think of a favourite memory that calms you. Lifting shoulders helps access to more lung area. Ring British lung foundation ...lots good advice there. X
I used get panic attacks and can't breath and everyone said to concentrate on my breathing ,this was no help at all. I found that counting alloys to a set number very slowly helped. Choose any number ,say 76 then concentrate on counting to it ,if you can't breathe enough to say it out loud then start by do I g it in your head but make sure you carry on infill your chosen number. Then pick the next number ,they can be birthdays ,house numbers anything. I found this stupid trick by accident ,I hope it works for you x
You call for help IMMEDIATELY if the bottom of your fingernails (nail bed) looks dusky blue,like a bruise or when the struggle for breath is absolutely exhausting.Do you have an inhaler or nebulizer ?? NEVER EVER leave it to the point when you think you're going to pass out.
26 is really low,if it doesn't pick up then you need help.