When I first thought about stopping smoking I tried an ecig. They were called Vapourlite. I then decided I wanted to get off nicotine hence going on Champix. I have got a dozen 16mg disposable ecigs each one the equivalent of 50 cigs. Wonder if they would help anyone out as they are just sitting in a cupboard not paying any rent. Send me a message if you would like me to send them to you. You an check out their website for more info. I also have some cartridges both ordinary tobacco and menthol and a couple of rechargeable e cigs
E cigs: When I first thought about stopping... - Quit Support
E cigs

Hi KC, so sorry. I did see your post this morning but I was on my phone and this site doesn't work too well on a phone so couldn't reply. I tried the cartridge type e-cigs when I first started using an e-cig last year, it was OK but I think I would really struggle with one now, especially the 16mg.
They're ideal for anyone just starting out on the quit journey though, Helen stopped with one of those types and now she's completely off the nic. How are you doing now, have you finished the Champix course?
Yes finished the Champix about 4 weeks ago. I am doing ok, still want a cigarette sometimes, it's really hard and I end up shouting at myself, a bit like telling a child off!
Find it hard to believe it's been as long as it has and just have to believe that it will all be ok. I know I don't post much but I read every day.
You've done really well though getting this far. I tried Champix when I very first stopped smoking. I was OK at first but it got harder as time went on, I didn't finish the course in the end but I think I only had a couple of weeks to go. Keep shouting at yourself it's the best way, the longer and longer without nicotine and you'll gradually find you think about smoking less and less. So I'm told anyway
I must admit that I rarely ever have any desire to smoke an actual cigarette any more. Just don't ever be tempted by the e-cigs you've got. Perhaps you could put them on ebay if you don't get any takers on here or even Amazon if you have an account then they'll be out of temptations reach.
Thanks, you are not allowed to sell ecigs on eBay or Amazon. I won't be tempted by them, I also have some real ciggies in the house and haven't been tempted by them either. I am very determined.

Hi KC, glad you doing so well. I'm on the the disposable cartridges 1.8 so what you have is a little lighter but as I hope to reduce in the near future I would be very interested in yours. Now if there is someone who wants to try them straight away, go ahead with them but if not I would gladly send you a postal order to cover the cost. So we could hang on and see if there is anyone else, how does that suit? Enjoy your day
I will have to check postage costs and I could split them I have 31 cartridges, 2 rechargeable cigarettes and chargers and 13 disposable cigarettes. They are all the same mg. let me know what quantity you would be interested in. You can check out the price at Vapourlite and make me an offer

Hi KC. Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I actually forgot, senior moment I'm afraid! Anyway in the meantime I tried the lower strength and errrrrr no way will I be ready to drop anytime soon
so thanks but no thanks and hopefully you will get another offer