Hi gang..had my last cig. 26+ weeks ago.My problem is I find I use my e cigs like a pipe puffing almost continuously... Feel ok no urge to smoke cigarettes.Any one else have the same problem?Keepdoing it.good luck to you all.Stay Well....BUSKER
E CIGS: Hi gang..had my last cig. 26+ weeks ago... - Quit Support
Hi Busker,
Yes, I know just what you mean. It's too easy to just keep sucking away on these things, as they can be quite pleasant. I've actually had small blisters on my tongue from using it. Obviously this is not good. There are chemicals in the liquid, so something's causing the blistering. I'm wondering if these might become just another addiction - definitely NOT what I want! So, as pleasant as they are... they may well have to go.
Oh dear, what next?. I do have the inhaler, but find it quite frustrating and not at all satisfying.
Time for me to have another "think" about this. Meanwhile, back to the chewing gum!
Let me know how you get on with the ECig in the longer term.
Thanks, Gill.
I got an e-cig last Wednesday. I tried charging the battery when I got it but it must have been already fully charged. That was last Wednesday. I charged the battery today for the first time. Not because it had run out but because I thought maybe I should. What I'm saying is that is how much I'm using it, the battery lasted 4 days? Is that average madi? I've found using the e-cig is nothing like smoking. While you're using it, nothing much seems to be happening but if you just put it down after 2 or 3 inhales and wait a while, it seems there is no further desire to use it for quite some time. On the other hand if you keep a hold of it, it seems like a constant reminder to keep puffing away on it. Just a thought. I'm far from an expert since I've only just started using one but that's how I'm using it at the moment - very sparingly and I do intersperse it with nicotine lozenges from time to time.
My friend packed in smoking about 15 months ago using an e-cig. Now, whilst i appreciate he has done fabulously, i fear he has become adicted to the e-cig as he cannot give it up and so has not broken the habit!
Like all these things, surely it is designed to help minimise withdrawal effects and make the journey smoother as opposed to becoming a replacement? It is the nicotine we are addicted to and need to get that out of our systems - not just find a less dangerous way to ingest it!
After saying that, if it is working for you, who cares what i think? Well done on 6 whole months off the real cigs :0) x
Yes ECIG is a great help, but, I too am finding I am using it too much as a replacement with symptoms of thickened phlegm coughing and a desire to use it more and more.
I am not saying not to use it there is after all, all the other toxins that are in a real ciggie, you are not consuming with using e-cig.
I must now try to withdraw from the e-cig as it is becoming a replacement addiction! and can work out quite costly.
4 months using e-cig and no real fags must be a good thing but no point in giving up one addiction for another.
Well done on giving up.
Let us know how you get on.