I am on day two without a cig. I started the ecig with .18mg of nicotine. I haven't had a cig since starting and that is huge for me. I smoked for 26 years. I am feeling a little light headed. Should I up the amount of nicotine in my juice or lower it?
Stopping smoking with eCig...: I am on day two... - Quit Support
Stopping smoking with eCig...

I smoked 15/day for 38yrs or there about,I've been quit for 10 months having used an ECig for 4 of them.I started with the higher strength nicotine I could get(my Ecig used cartridges) & I think it was 18mg r maybe stronger.If you're loggerheads it suggests that your nicotine strength is maybe too high so I would try & get a,lower strength and see how that works.It also might be that you're sucking too hard or too frequently on your Ecig which could also cause lightheadedness.Read as many old posts on here as you can (there's a couple of great ones on breathing techniques by EmJay and a great Ecig one by Pinkiezoom) so that you're prepared should a craving strike but other than that you're doing great.Well done H
Hi Heather,
Well done you, I am at the same stage and feel OK up to now.
Sorry can't help with the light headenest but hope you will be OK soon.

Hi I'm currently One month and two days off of them thanks to he help of the ecig,the first week I was like you I felt light headed and also ill,I was on 24mg and went down to 12mg and I haven't been light headed sence,So I would suggest dropping your juice nicotine level.
Aup IrishViper, soooo your past the 4 weeks mark now then Whooooopy flippin Dooooooooooooo, just magic pal, just magic
I've been out and court you a new 4 weeks Winner badge and will pass it onto Emjay to hand out to you
Stay strong pal, your getting there

Hi there,
Well done you, its the best choice you will make in your life.
I have quit with the ecig method too, 5 months now, and trust me i never thought i could do it lol! But to be honest.
I think you might want to lower your nicotine or buy a lower content one and mix it, just be careful you are not feeling light headed because you are inhaling too quickly though, also you are detoxing from all the other 4000+ poisons in normal fags, and some of the side effects for me was i felt a little "vacant" if that makes sense.
Be careful if you drop your nic levels that you dont go too low, and then feel the need for a real smoke.
It does get easier and i wouldnt dream of having a real smoke now.
Best of luck and keep us up to date with your progress hun xx

Hi Heather, lovely to see you again and doing sooooo well
Yeah, as the others have said, just lower your nicotine dose on the e-cig
If that dosent help, then please go and see your doc just to be on the safe side eh
Heather your doing just great gal
Well done Heather you must be 4 days now well done -x-
try turning down voltage 3.3 or get a coil with higher ohm 1.8 or 2
hope you stayed with it. your jucie could be alittle high maybe your hitting to much. smoke like a cig not a joint. just being helpful

E-cig is one alternative way and a better way in fact of quitting cigarette. 18mg is quite normal I think. But if you feel that it's already too much for you and doing you no good, then you should lower it.