So, today i go for my pre op check and I woke up this morning and thought that for the first time in years I can say I don't smoke anymore.Still have good days and horrible days when I would cheerfully sell the house for just one cig but I'm still hanging on in there 9 weeks in.Have to say I'm quietly proud of myself. Still on my ecig (again good days and bad) but 6mg of Nicotine and no chemicals like Formaldehyde and Uric acid have to be an improvement. Have a good day all and pat yourselves on the back because we no longer need the cigarettes.
Pre Op check today and I can say I don't smok... - Quit Support
Pre Op check today and I can say I don't smoke !!! :)

Morning Yellowsnodrop, Hope all goes well with your Pre- Opp checkup.
I to am 9 weeks in, and feel exactly the same as you, and e-cig works better some days than others :-\
Fingers crossed for you today,
Hi ya Sunny
Am sending you a great big WELL DONE to you toooooo
9 weeks quit, that could be another YAYYYY, but have got fed up with that one
sooooo, I'm going to give you a flippin big yippppppppy dippppppy dooooooooo
Just wondering if you have tried the inhalator, instead of the e-cig ??
See ya soon, Pete
Hi monkey, I love Yippppppppy Dipppppppy Dooooooo
No I haven't tried the inhalator, would that be via the GP ?
But not planning on using an e-cig as a substitute, over a long period !! Oooooo I've said it now !!! :-\ :-*

Hope it all went well today you non smoker you!
All is well & best thing is that blood pressure has dropped drastically and is now very normal. YAY.
Aup H
Thats just great news
andddddd, your blood pressure has dropped tooooo
I should hope you told the docs that you have quit the smokes eh
cos they know how hard it is to quit, and I think they erm, just give a bit extra when they know that you are really trying to help your body
Erm, does that make sense to you
Anyway H, thats the way to go, YAYYYYYYY
Please keep us informed eh Pete
Hi H, glad to hear you're still going strong and looking to eventually reduce/cut out the ecig. Great news about the blood pressure too. Gook luck with the op and see you again soon.