My Worst Trigger!: I've realised what my worst... - Quit Support

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My Worst Trigger!

ChrissieG profile image
19 Replies

I've realised what my worst trigger is - it's leaving work!

For years I have not smoked during the working day, but the result of that is that I've always taken the first opportunity I had of having a cigarette as soon as possible after leaving ...

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ChrissieG profile image
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19 Replies
ChrissieG profile image

Ignore this - for some reason most of it has disappeared! Never mind xxx

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Doesn't matter if it's got lost in a black hole somewhere the meaning is still there.It's good that you've identified one of your triggers and can maybe do something about it,use your Ecig instead maybe ? I used to do the same thing,light up as soon as I left work,not so hard at the moment as I'm not working but I think if you identify your triggers then you can use some diversionary tactics to overcome them.I went back to the gym yesterday & I used to have a cig as soon as I left the place,I just walked home instead yesterday & didn't really think about it.I REALLY REALLY hope that you get to this place as well,the place where you don't really think about smoking much at all anymore.Plenty folk on here cheering you on.Hugs Helen

ChrissieG profile image

Ah thank you so much Helen - I am so so pleased that you are in such a happy place and you took the words right out of my mouth - only today I was thinking how nice it will be to one day not actually think about smoking at all, whether it be when am I going to have my next cigarette (as a smoker), or how is today going to be without smoking!!!!

Tonight kind of shook me up a bit. It wasn't so much the thought about smoking as I was walking to the bus stop, it was when I eventually arrived home and was walking up the steps to my flat and it was like everything was back how it used to be. I was completely and utterly and expectedly going to walk indoors, put the kettle on and have a coffee and a cigarette, THAT was my only thought. My mouth was actually salivating in readiness and it seemed the most natural thing in the world!

It was powerful and it was almost overwhelming - and I was shocked how powerful the brain was to trick me like that. My e-cig was here but I decided that was my back up - I was going to fight this on my own! So I used the diversionary tactics, I pottered around and kept myself busy, I brushed my hair for a while (what was that all about?) I got changed and I then sat and read the posts on here. Eventually the trigger and the subsequent cravings disappeared - I didn't want a cigarette - I never wanted a cigarette - if there had been a cigarette sitting on the table waiting for me even as I walked in, I would NOT have smoked it, I'm 100% confident of that - but I was still shaken up by it all - and then I was HAPPY! :D

The support on here really is incredible. Posts from the rest of the Possie (the PIPPS) and the responses to them really help me, even when they are not directed to me personally - hearing comments from successes like yourself really give me hope and it's exactly where I want to be - where you are now!

So thank you so so much because it really makes a difference and I genuinely feel happy this evening - and especially thank you for the Hugs! xxxxx

jules56 profile image

hi chrisse i know exactly what you mean. mine was every time i went outside after a period of depravation. you sound very strong. using your ecig as a back up.when i gave up i was vaping on it like a crazed junky! i have to say its settled down a bit now. just use when i would hv had a cig. in morning, with coffee, after a meal, up the pub. omg sound liked a crazed junky! oh well at least i am not lighting up! keep fighting the good fight!

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to jules56

ha ha ha, that made me laugh Jules! And no you are not a crazed junky, but it made me laugh anyway :D (you could be a Crazy Jules though?????/ :) :) :) )

You are doing absolutely the right thing and you have achieved 5 months as a non smoker as a result - I just can't imagine what it feels like to have stopped smoking for 5 months - it's beyond brilliant! You must feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Proud of yourself!

I am using the e-cig you know, I don't think I would have got through this week without it - by the way, this week has gone so quickly, I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow already!

Wey Hey!!!!! xx

jules56 profile image
jules56 in reply to ChrissieG

wey hey in deed! remember 1 day leeds to 2 leeds to a week, leeds to a month, and yes you will know what 5 months smoke free feels like. cause you will be there before you know it! all be it a little crazed he he xx

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Well done Chrissie for recognising the trigger, and then laughing in its face :) good skills, you are so strong x

Kaprin profile image

Well done Chrisie, keep going my friend try leaving work a little later, don't do the exact same thing you did when smoking deviate from it slightly it may help worth a try but keep going you can do this you really can x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Kaprin

Kaprin that's a terrible thing to say! Tut tut, I was the last to leave tonight as it was, my working days is quite long enough thank you (ha ha ha)

I know what you mean though! This morning I changed my routine, i bus hopped! So instead of sitting on one bus for nearly an hour, I sat on one bus for 30 minutes, walked for 5 mins then jumped on another bus for 20 mins then walked for 5 mins - this actually meant arriving at a different stop which reduced my walk to the office so I arrived at the same time! Now I realise this is not exciting news - but it's a change of routine isn't it! :)

I'm glad I didn't do that tonight though, it's absolutely pouring down here! ha ha ha xxx

How are you doing anyway? xx

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to ChrissieG

Doing OK first holiday not smoking so been strange, no buying ciggies at airport, no smoking on veranda or by the pool or with a cheeky vimto, really weird upset my sister though because I won't bring her back some ciggies, can't do,it want her to stop too x

in reply to Kaprin

Hey Kaprin, well done. I'm very impressed! I'm going on my hols soon and I am expecting it to be really hard. All power to you. Enjoy your holiday.

Mindermummy profile image
Mindermummy in reply to Kaprin

I can so understand....I keep thinking about odd it will be to not smoke...these are the things in my head I can't seem to get is it going to fell the same . Well done thou for getting through it.xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Chrissie, I think it may be a lot to do with habit :o cos thats what you used to do ! Maybe go to a cafe when you leave work for a cuppa, then get the bus home :) Perhaps walk up the steps to your flat backwards :D :D

When you get home, just sing or hum a song that you like, this may just distract your brain from thinking of you know what eh :)

Chrissie, your doing ever so well :) :) you just keep telling that intelligent brain of your's who's BOSS eh :) :)

Rite am off up that flippin wooden hill to get some kip :) sooooo I wish you a good nights sleep and just dream of being freeeeeeeee :) :) xxx

Mindermummy profile image
Mindermummy struggling BIG TIME today.....its the habbit of is hard for me as im off work and its the time I would have more of them! I have been in tears this morning...this is crazy...I never get emotional, its not me at all!! But this morning I cried as I wondered how I was going to get through this day without any!! I have used the gum and e cig and its ok...but just not the same :( Please tell me this gets easier!! This has been my worse day by far! :(

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Mindermummy

Oh sweetie I feel so terrible because I just can't get online when I'm at work, which means I can't talk to you. How are you feeling now?

I absolutely know that you do not want to smoke again, so I don't doubt your determination at all, you are doing so brilliantly but because you are not feeling great, you don't think you are doing brilliantly at all - but by fighting this the way you are, you should be feeling so so proud of yourself.

Okay you love to exercise - are your kids at school tomorrow? If so, are there any classes on anywhere that you could go to (local gyms tend to run classes during the daytime and they only cost a couple pounds.) Or have you got any exercise videos at home?

I absolutely promise you that this will get better - and the worse thing is the triggers or the habit as you say and it's learning to cope when they hit you.

if you feel like crying then cry, add to that a scream and then try thumping a pillow - when all that is done dry your eyes, blow your nose and think "right, I feel better now" and I haven't had a cigarette so I feel really fantastic now!

I am sending you massive cheers and masses of hugs to show you how brilliant I think you are - never forget that this is a fantastic thing you are doing and it really will get better.

If you want to talk more, send me a personal message and we can connect that way.

Let me know how you are now honey

Love Chrissie xxxx

Mindermummy profile image

Ahhh thanks. Sorry I completly took over your I do feel much better this afternoon. I had another cry midday talking to a friend, an ex smoker and she really reassured me. I stuck on a patch ( which I cut in half...if u remember the other day I said I had bought the wrong ones) and that has made me feel loads better!!!!

Yes I do love keep fit...I went to a class this morning and I'm going tomm morning I normally do on my days I noticed a huge difference in my breathing there, so I'm so happy about that. And I do feel happy with myself. But still having those feelings of how some times are ever gonna be the same...or as enjoyable without a cig!! Hoping the Alan car book I ordered will help, as others recommended.

How's your day been today?! How did u find you routine of getting home?! Did u ditch that ashtray?! Lol

Thanks so muc for really is helping me coming on here.

How's the other day 4 people getting on??????????

Day 4..... Wow. Over half way to one week!!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Mindermummy

Aup Mummy Pipp, how are you doing today gal :o

I'm so so sorry that I couldnt help you when you needed it, but I think I was in the land of nodd then, cos am working nights this week :( Hmmmmm, I shall have to learn tele - telep - ermmmm communication with the mind eh :o cos then I could have a chat with you when I'm kipping seeee :) :)

A BIG MASSIVE well done to you Mum, for getting through that really hard time :) sooooo, now mr nic knows that you mean business dosnt he, and you've flippin got him on the run gal :) :)

I know my hardest times are when I get home from work and at the weekends when I'm off work :o Like you I exercise, this helps me get rid of the erm, aggression ( if thats the word to use ) when mr nic strikes :) I've got a rowing machine, and sometimes I dont half give it some gal, it starts off at one end of my garage and nearly ends up at the other end and it aint got no wheels on it :D :D :D

I try to keep myself busy doing something :o especially at those trigger points, erm, like say, Saturday, 10.00 I would down tools and go have a cup a coffee and a you know what :o sooooo, I've stopped doing that now, I have a cup a tea, or a glass of orange at a different time. You have to try to break the habit :)

As for your hols Mum, just think of all the money you will save now you've quit, it means you will have flippin loads a spending money :) Plus, you could perhaps have an extra hol as well eh :) :) While you are on your hols, you will be able to go anywhere you like without thinking, hmmmm, where can I go for a fag !! Shops, pubs, restaurants etc etc :)

Mum, I hope you have a better day today, you know you want this, so flippin go for it gal :) :)

Pete :) xx

ChrissieG profile image

Oh I am so pleased - I honestly couldn't be happier - you are just brilliant!

I am so glad your friend was there and honestly just let it all out! I was actually thinking of those patches when I was writing to you and i'm glad that they are helping you - this could be the thing that really helps you to get through this stage and I know that when you get that book it will really help you understand the questions you are asking yourself.

The special times you are worrying about will actually be even BETTER without those stinking disgusting cigarettes, and I know you will be so much happier once you see that. Trust me, it's thoughts like that which really keep me motivated and positive.

So well done and the minute you get the book make time to read it and I'm sure it will really help!

And yes - Day 4 and I actually can't believe that! Wow us PIPPS are amazing!!! xxxx :):)

(ps having heard anything from the others today but I'm sure they are staying strong!)

yellowsnowdrop profile image

My lovely sister in law would NEVER bring me cigs back from anywhere they went a) because she hated that I was smoking and b) because she said she would never encourage me.She did me a big favour really and you're doing exactly the same thing for your sister.Show her this and tell her that it's because you love her that you can't do it.How's Tenerife ? Hugs Hel x

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