Feeling really down any help appreciated. - Quit Support

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Feeling really down any help appreciated.

yellowsnowdrop profile image
8 Replies

So, I 'm at something near the 12 week mark (I quit on the 6th Sept) and for some odd reason I'm just really down at the moment.I've had a bit of a rough week with one thing & another & have been looking for an excuse to run out & buy cigs which so far haven't& definitely won't because I know that a cig will NOT make anything better.My head unfortunately says differently & I'm in a constant struggle with the nicotine monster & have been in tears on more than one occasion this past week.I cry over nothing at the moment which is weak & pathetic.HELP x

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yellowsnowdrop profile image
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8 Replies
Kaprin profile image

Not at all yellowsnowdrop you are doing so very well and we all have horrid days, I am now at 6 weeks and struggle at least a couple of days each week, it's so not easy, smoked over 40 years. that nicotine monster is exactly that a monster lurking just around the corner waiting to trip us all up and there is no way that is going to happen, you have done too well to let it win now. You will get through this and so will I, and there are so many people on this site who will help us, I went out and bought some sugar free gum which I find sometimes helps but not always, come on you can do this and so can I x

EmJay profile image

Hey there YellowSnowDrop,

There are probably 2 reasons why you are feeling like this;

1. It's the last attempt of those blasted nicotine receptors trying their damnedest to keep a hold of you as their customer :-/

If this is the case, then you are doing the right thing by not succumbing to temptation. This feeling won't last forever and as long as you overcome it, then you'll feel much stronger and empowered. If you look at it that these receptors can take around 12-14 weeks beore dying down and know that the feeling you have now will not last, it's really important that you know this.

2. You are just having a feeling down period within your life at the moment.

It's okay to have a bit of an 'off time'. Just try not to let it go on for too long. We all have our ups and downs - whether we are smokers or not. Take a look at what is happening around you, in your life. If there is anything that is bothering you? If so, is there anything that you can do about it, find a way of dealing with things a bit better maybe? If not, can you learn to accept it? Is it a busy time of year for you? Maybe getting caught up in the Christmas rush and the stresses that this can quite often bring to most people?

Chances are it is one of the above reasons, either way I do believe that the feeling won't last and you'll be back on form before you know it.

We're all here for you, and don't think you are weak and pathetic at all. It takes a strong person to acknowledge how they are feeling and then to deal with it.

Big positive vibes being sent right your way :-)

Extra ones too for you Kaprin :-)

kronoskeylock profile image
kronoskeylock19 Months Winner

Hey yellowsnowdrop, chin up my girl, i feel pretty dreadfull at the moment too. Your body is going through changes, its basically getting better. i have a dreadfull cold and am feeling really poorly. Its your lungs starting to work again and clear all the muck out of your system.

You have good friends here, I cry too sometimes, but because im a man i have to wait until its raining so no one can see

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to kronoskeylock

Hay kronoskeylock,

I can relate to your post so much

I'm week 11 quiting on patches, and I was up at 2:30 this morning with areal tight chest and a major cough and coughed out the biggest brown lump of c*ap I've ever seen. I should of been happy, but found myself in tears. I know this is a good sign, but it does get you down, as I'm just waiting for the day my cold/flu like symptoms past. I'm sure I can feel different parts ofy lungs cleaning themselves. Last night was my bottom right side. I hope there nearly done. This has been going on and off for the last 7 weeks.... grrrr...

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Oy, Yellowsnowdrop, for one thing you are not weak & pathetic !! you should be holding your head up high gal, cos I tell you, quitting the smokes is the hardest thing that I have had to do !!

I admire anybody that can do it :) and that includes you :)

I've noticed myself, that when I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps, THAT is when the nic monster gets at me !! Sooo, what I do is get on my rowing machine and I GIVE IT HELL and tell the nic monster to erm, erm, go somewhere else :o :)

Get mad with him, tell him who you are and you dont want him anywhere near you again :) thump a cushion or 2, kick em about the room, gooooo on gal, get flippin mad with that monster, it only takes a couple of minutes, then you can make yourself a nice cuppa, sit down in your fave chair, and look at the mess you've made :o :D :D

BUT, you've got rid of the monster :) :) yes you've BEAT him :) :)

Loads of huggs heading your way gal :)

Ps, if you dont want em, tufffffff :P :D :D

yellowsnowdrop profile image

HUGE thanks to you ALL XX Where would I be without you ??

Kaprin, 6 weeks,WOW,well done,be very proud of yourself.

Kronskylock, just get well very soon.Loads of Vitamin C is the answer to a cold and stay warm.too.You can cry if you need to,real men DO cry.

Pete XX : ) Knew you'd be there so THANX for the hugs.

EmJay. I know this won't last just lots of stuff not going very well at the moment. I need to step back,take a deep breath and start again.There's always another day with new opportunities and challenges to grasp so maybe that's what I'll do.Bad stuff doesn't' ever last too long it just sometimes seems like it does.

MMoo profile image

Hay yellowsnondrop,

I'm currently suffering from anxiety and I'm using these relaxation techniques to help me cope.

I also find them useful to help me get though those rough days when im coughing loads or just feeling rubbish.


teddy08 profile image
teddy0814 Month Winner


Do you know what I have been ciggie free for 11 weeks and feel the same

Well done for getting so far!

I quite often feel depressed and problems get out of proportion but its the lovely people here who help so very much

Keep on going it is worth it, I COULD KILL FOR A SMOKE NOW

but will have a lozoger instead



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