Here's a fanfare for you Lenne.
Fantastic that you made it to a year and now consider yourself a non-smoker and lovely of you to come on the chat and brag about it. YIPPEEEEE!
Love and great big hugs, Andi xxxxx
Here's a fanfare for you Lenne.
Fantastic that you made it to a year and now consider yourself a non-smoker and lovely of you to come on the chat and brag about it. YIPPEEEEE!
Love and great big hugs, Andi xxxxx
Aww thanks Andi, you're such a sweetie!!! You're next I believe? xxx
Aaaaaup Lenne
Its great to hear from you again gal, annnnnnd One Whole Year Quit Toooooooooo
Harayyyyyyyyyyyyy flippin super flippin dooper Lenne I now pronounce you an Xsmoker
just ace gal, and thank you for letting us know
Erm just wondering Lenne, how your soap making is going
Jillygirl has got to 1 Year, Madimad has also got to 1 Year and now you have toooo, so the next one is our, as you say, Andi
I myself have about got to 12 weeks, then just flippin lost it gal, but I am determined to get where you are, and I know I WILL do it
Speak soon eh Lenne
Pete xxxx
Wow so many of us who have made it and are close to the one year mark!!! I am going to do a happy dance of joy right now in my PJs because that's epic news
I got scared of soap making Pete- too many evil stories about lye solution lol I am such a wuss.