I am 58 and this is the first PTSD group I have ever be a part of. Currently (for the past year) have been seeing a therapist to help me work through past traumas, one that started at a very early age, after a year, I'm realizing that we don't talk about what landed me in his office and so I asked him about support groups and this is one that he recommended. So here I am. I will continue to see him for present issues. I'm hoping that I am in the right place, to help me get a better understanding of my traumas through others with similar experiences and how they have worked through them. I was diagnosed with complex ptsd for several different traumas.
One of my traumas (molestation) has been a secret since I was a child and in the last year I have been able to open up about it, more so in EMDR treatment. Went for a few sessions, never getting fully into a session, more talking, but wasn't feeling the vibe with the therapist and I ended it. I will be looking into finding someone else to try it again. If you have had any success with this style of treatment, please let me know.
If I'm in the wrong group, please let me know.