Our Autumn issue of PSP Matters is now available and can be downloaded from pspeur.org/user/docs/PSP%20...
Please write to us and tell us what is happening in your area. Also, case studies help us to raise awareness and understanding and are used to:
• Encourage healthcare professionals to understand the real, everyday
impact of PSP or CBD
• Highlight the difference that an early diagnosis, supportive care and
forward planning can have on quality of life
• Help ensure that services develop in response to real needs
• Find clues about the causes and potential treatments
• Raise awareness
If you would like to tell your story, please email psp@pspeur.org or
telephone 01327 322410.
Guide questions can be provided, but please feel free to tell your story
your way. It can help to keep a diary (also useful when building a case
to claim for benefits or other types of support) and we always welcome
photographs (2 - 4mb in jpeg format, please).
We would love to hear from you.
Best wishes,