Hi as a carer on my own for my mother who has PSP and also losing my father not long after mum was diagnosed who used to help with mum alot which is hard work as you all know it makes me angry and sad that people especially living in the same home that don't even go near mum pull faces and roll their eyes evertime they see me tired or exhausted. These people who are selfish should have a taste of how it is to be carer for someone you love who is not the same as how they used to be. Watching them struggle with everyday things day in and day out. Shame on selfish ignorant people who should know better especially living in the same home. Mentally and physically it is demanding I love my mum very much that's why I care for her I really don't need negative selfish people around me. Just wanted to let it out .There is no one else to turn to. Just having a very bad day. My friend who used to live in another town was so supportive and understanding she always used to check in unfortunately she passed away with bowel cancer. Just sad and angry with how people can be so ignorant.
People not understanding hardworking carers - PSP Association
People not understanding hardworking carers

My late husband’s son only cared about vacationing in our resort beach side home, not spending time with his father. And his daughter, estranged for 13 plus years, showed up five months before his passing, along with her loser boyfriend and dog, demanding $250k for the lavish wedding that we “owed” her.
Hi there, I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time it must be so physically and emotionally draining. Your Mum is incredibly lucky to have your support. Are there a local carers groups you might be able to go to? It might help to be around others who know how it feels and could support you,Take care
Katie ☺️
At times like theses (& l have had a few)... l used to sit inside my car with the windows up & scream. It did seem to help me a little. Your mom is so lucky to have you in her life. Sending hugs to you & your mom... Granni B
You're doing an incredible job, it's very hard to provide care for someone, especially by yourself. It's emotionally and physically draining. I can't tell where you live but in the UK you could get a carer to come 4 times a day on the NHS depending on circumstances. Not sure how it works in other countries but might be worth looking into getting a bit of help so you can rest
I’m exactly the same,,my dad died 3 years ago and have looking after my mum ever since , I’m an only child , my mum has carers 4 times a day as I have to work too albeit only 24 hours a week, try to get as much help as you can , you need it and you have a life too. My mum cannot walk at all now , so is either in bed or laying on the sofa . I do hope you can get the help you need
Sending love
Hi soul-girl I feel for you too. We know how hard it is. I'm still grieving for my dad and also extremely saddened about my mum having PSP. Thank you for replying. What makes it even more harder is seeing my brother and his wife who live in the same house completely oblivious to how hard it is because they don't help at all. They are off enjoying themselves my brother follows her around like a lost puppy. On top of that she has a big attitude problem. I'm happy to look after my mum I want her to keep her dignity as she doesn't want any strangers to help her what actually makes it hard is seeing my selfish brother and his wife not caring. Unfortunately I have no life anymore my mum is my everything.