HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AVB: Welp there you have it... - PSP Association

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abirke profile image
76 Replies

Welp there you have it... I sent myself a birthday greetings. But hey, I'm 57 today, what the heck !

Actually this is my 2d go around with this msg..I tried to zap a pretty little picture in the first and erased all of the it!......hahahah I'm thinking that computer tech job I interviewed for is gonna go to that 13, or 27 year old ....but I don't know how to get into their site to see who the company hired....oh well....

Well folks I'ts been a lovely day starting with some dark thunder and bright lightening and rain! Yesterday my son came over and we cleaned the yard and roof of leaves and limbs. A friend began taking down the 36ft (11m) ramp opening my yard up once again. I will miss the ramp but I will always have the memories of B walking up and down it for exercise and the like....

Tonight I think the kids are coming over and we'll have a little party...I hope I don't have to bring anything...hahaha

Anyway Happy Birthday to all on this day or around it May we all walk through this life knowing we did what should be done and ready to do something else....

Love you all


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abirke profile image
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76 Replies
Brenive profile image

Well now , happy birthday.and may you enjoy many more,, I had to get my own valentine's card this year .Ivor was upset when he realised he had'nt got one for me.could'nt miss a year out after getting for them for 61 years... our daughter did make sure I had chocolates from him. ...Brenda xx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Brenive

61 years of cards and candy? That's a lot of love; diets , dentists and other delights


Ratcliffe profile image

Happy Birthday AVB. And as you have said to me in the past...

Do Well!

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Ratcliffe

Oh how sweet Rc...thank you

Katiebow profile image

Happy Birthday Andrea, hope you are having a deservedly good day. xxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Katiebow

Thank you Katie

Marie_14 profile image

Andrea Happy Happy Birthday!! I hope it is a good one and you get some nice presents. Great that your kids are coming for a meal. You are probably having it now due to our time difference. You are a young child by the way!! 😄

Marie x x x

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Marie_14

hahaha Yep 57 and a little closer to heaven whoopie! It's only 4:18 pm in my neck of the woods no dinner yet and after the cookie I just bought me......I won't be needing anything for a WHILE! yikes lol

doglington profile image

I posted a reply which got lost !!

Wine ???

Enjoy the cookie !!!

Happy Birthday, Andrea. You are a mere youngster.

lots of love, Jean xxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to doglington

Thank you Jean I'll stay away from the wine and the whine hahahah but cookies, well for today!

Marie_14 profile image

Andrea you are entitled to a cookie on your birthday!! Didn't realise you were only a week after me. A few years though! I do recall 57 though and the years before as I spent a lot of time flying to see my aunt. She lived until she was almost 97. She was hoping to make it to 100 though!! The only person I know who has ever said that.

Have a lovely time with your family. Hope it's a happy one Andrea. 👑

Marie x x x

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Marie_14

Thank you Marie....well one thing about celebrating there is always the gym to keep one fit or next years celebration....or next weeks....it's gotta be someones birthday somewhere , right? In fact it was yours last week Happy belated!

raincitygirl profile image

Happy Birthday Andrea!

You sound in good spirits and I'm glad - your post feels like spring🌷- a bright ray of light after a long dark winter 🌞

Hugs to you

Anne G.

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to raincitygirl

Indeed My door is open and fresh air is reviving me as we speak. Our Jonquils are already popping through and my fish (in my pond) are happily thawed ;) We may get another 4 weeks of winter but for today its telling me spring is springin'

NannaB profile image

Happy Birthday Andrea. It’s good you could spend it with your family.

I remember when your ramp went up. It was built by lots of youngsters in your area wasn’t it? Although I may have got that wrong. If I am correct, it was amazing as you posted a photo.

It’s strange when these things go isn’t it but as you say it will open up your yard/garden again.

Enjoy your little party.

Lots of love

🎂 🍷 💐


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to NannaB

Thank you Bev,

Yes I did post a photo (someone on here walked me through how to do it) of Bruce and the kids who built the thing. Luckily they used wood screws which kept the wood in tact for others to use....reuse, recycle....repent hahaha

Thank you

Heady profile image

Happy Birthday Andrea! You sound very upbeat, well done. Why shouldn't you send your on birthday greetings, it is allowed.

Lots of love


abirke profile image

Hey Anne,

Yah why the heck not....I've got 364 other days to be bummed might as well make this a happy day....Thank you Anne it's so good to hear from you all....

Nanny857 profile image

Happy birthday Andrea, hope that cookie tickled your tastebuds. Enjoy the rest of our special day with your family. Lots of love Nanny857xx 🎂 💐

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Nanny857

Oh it was lovely. My kids baked me a cake and we had Mexican takeout. We laughed how dad always made the birthday cakes and I usually burnt the rest of the dinner. hahahah

Noella21 profile image

Happy birthday Andrea. Hope you enjoy many more. Life sure is interesting .Yesterday they sent me a teenage youngster to give me a bath. It was not even my birthday. The agency that sent him said I was unreasonable able to refuse my bath by him. I did let put in my eye drops. I blew a gasket when they said that he had seen hundreds of butts and that he would not be bothered by mine. I became quite hostile and said that it was not his feelings I was worried about but my feelings.They laughed at me because I was embarrassed to be seen naked. I got bad and told the agency lady I was just pissed that they sent me a young stud when I was too weak and mutilated to enjoy getting washed by him . Was she embarrassed. It is great to be old and unreasonable.You have lots to look forward to. So nice to hear from you. Keep doing well.

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Noella21

Noella you dawg, I say if you're not going to have fun with the wash , then leave it dirty...well no I don't really, but I could see me saying that. I always appreciated B's "girlfriend" I never knew how she could shower him and stay dry at the same time. I always came out as wet as he did ....Well lets hope your next bather is and you really know how to soads it up!!!



AliciaB profile image

Happy Birthday Andrea! Glad you are having a good day!


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to AliciaB

thank you AliciaB

goldcap profile image

Happy Birthday! Hope you find your place in the world this year. Wishing you Joy prosperity & love!

Best, Jayne G.

P.s. Today was my husband’s birthday as well.

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to goldcap

Well happy birthday Mr. G!!! thank you Jayne I pray for joy and love and a couple bucks to get me through....ie prosperity.....the wealth of good friends is beyond measure....

goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to abirke

Hi you all! Andrea your post made me laugh. I'm a techniphobe as well! And I am going to be 59 in July so you, my dear, are a youngster in my book! I am glad you have good friends. Sometimes I think my best friends were on this site. Don't think anyone else can truly appreciate what we have been through. It's been a year and a half since my husband passed and sometimes I still stop and think,"What now?". I am now dating my first husband (my son's father). How funny is that? He is my best friend and has been very supportive but does not want to talk about my years with husband #2. He thinks I should start living for today not dwelling on the past. Our son is doing better after being brutally assaulted by a gang for no reason other than to rob him. It is hard isn't it trying to get back in the workforce after being a carer for so many long years. I could use a little prosperity myself these days. I am finally getting around to selling a lot of the equipment I purchased for my husband. Does anybody need anything? I am so done with it all I would give most of it away if anyone would cover the postage costs! I am having some balance issues myself but looks like it may very well be an inner ear as opposed to a brain disorder. Fingers crossed, seeing a specialist next week. I have been traveling. (Using up the credit card reward points:). Went to Ireland with my son in August and Iceland in February with his father. EC did you see northern lights last night? Supposedly they were visible in Maine! Sitings scant in Iceland but the people I meant from the UK said they have experienced them there as well. Might have to make it my next venture. I also have a dog. A stubborn 85 pound Labrador puppy! All for now except love to all and hugs & support for those of you still in the trenches.

Much love,


doglington profile image
doglington in reply to goldcap

Hi. So pleased to hear from you again.

Sounds as if life is moving on for you - that's good to hear. Gives us all hope !

Lots of love from Jean xx

easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to goldcap

Hey, Jayne! Good to see you here. Been a long time! How are you holding up? Love, ec

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to goldcap

Hi Jayne, I was only thinking of you yesterday! I was talking to Satt about who we spoke first to on the site. Jimbo was the first, followed not far behind, by EC then you. What a difference you all made to my life! How have you been keeping?

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to Heady

Heady I was just thinking about that as well! I miss all of you! Hope you are well. Update above.

Even bigger hugs & love to you!

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to goldcap

Wow, dating your ex! That is one road i am definetly not going down. Shouldn't have travelled it the first time. Still he did give two wonderful children, but that's all.

Glad to see you are getting out and about. I am off to China very soon, with NannaB! We are both getting very excited.

Still struggling to move forward, it seems one step forward, two back. Although that is an improvement, use to be four backwards.

If you make England, make contact. Love to meet you.

Lots of love


goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to Heady


WOW China! Always wanted to go there! I am so envious and you are going to have a blast going together. And if I make England I will definitely make contact. It's ok to take a breather. I always subscribed to the notion that if you are standing still you are not moving forward. Nowdays, I get overwhelmed sometimes, and feel like I should be taking baby steps forward. That maybe I'm going too fast you know?

I just feel like I have so much living to do but don't know where to start. (If that makes any sense to you:).

Have a safe & wonderful journey.

Much love,


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to goldcap

Makes perfect sense. I am desparate for a new life, but funnily enough, it doesn't come knocking at your door. But don't know what to do to go out and grab it. Least you are putting yourself out there. Be proud!

Lots of love


doglington profile image
doglington in reply to Heady

You are, Heady !! Well done. You are moving forward and that is difficult.

Lots of love from Jean xx

Satt2015 profile image

Hey many happy returns Andrea! X

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Satt2015

Thanks darlin///I'm still reapin the benefits....

easterncedar profile image

Happy Birthday, girlfriend! Love, Sarah

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to easterncedar

Thanks ec , I have been prayin for rain and the Lord answered me as it's probably rained a good inch so far! How's ya'lls weather....snowy?

easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to abirke

So we can blame you? It was raining last night and this morning in Illinois like someone forgot his promise to Noah and now I'm here in my part of Maine I find it's warm, drippy and foggy, but there's still a good foot and a half of snow left on the ground making a forlorn stand.

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to easterncedar

WElll EC uhm I guess I have to apologies for bein' to greedy....I just wanted SOME rain not anything torrential and flooding....So heres my next prayer, Uhm God could you let up on my Birthday gift a bit....And thankyou for the rain you gave...We did need it. Amen


easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to abirke

I figure the prayers get backed up and then repeated and pile up quite a bit, and then they are answered all at once, after which I imagine that the person who sent the requested weather gets quite put out by the ingratitude!

allotmentartist profile image

Happy birthday Andrea,x

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to allotmentartist

thank you Aa had a ball

york profile image

Happy belated birthday xx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to york

at my calculation you were very close to on time greeting ....like 12:30 am....You should be in bed at that time. I gave up sleeping aides and actually am sleeping alot better on my own......anyway thank you for the greeting

Happy Birthday youngster.

Hope it was great.


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to

Hey dw...it was very nice! my son made me a cake my other cleaned my roof and stuff .....and it rained.....putting the humidity from a dry 40% up to almost 70%....My old wrinkly skin doesn't look as bad with some moisture in the air! ;)

vlh4444 profile image

Sorry I'm a day late but happy birthday Andrea. Glad you had family to celebrate with.

Vicki x

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to vlh4444

hahahahas long as you're not a dollar short eh? thank you for the greetings!

loppylugs5 profile image

Happy Birthday! Sure your kids will do you a good party.I am the same numbers but round the wrong way!Love Px

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to loppylugs5

Hahahaha well before I know it . i"ll be the other way around my self.....Your'e only as young as you feel....been feeling pretty old but this week feeling pretty ok....especially with so many of my family here wishing me a happy day......it's really been a great gift....thank you

honjen43 profile image

Happy Birthday, AVB. Sounds like you had a great one.

It's all about making it happen! And living the moment as you would like.


Jen xxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to honjen43

Amen, and Thank you Jen...boy it's been a long time since I've heard from you or maybe as usual I missed your stuff . Well keep in touch hope you are doing ok ....Thank you again for the greetings

honjen43 profile image
honjen43 in reply to abirke

Seem to be posting less. Settling onto a more 'even keel' and feeling more distance from topics. Is the friends like you that keep me still in the loop.

Life is beginning (finally) to take on its own meaning. Boring as it may be, am still downsizing, wallpapering and preparing for sale on horizon of house. Still daunted by moving, but will no doubt get better once I start looking!


Jen xxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to honjen43

You moving far? My neighborhood has become full of rentals which means the houses are less cared for; relationships not quite as strong..... I raised my kids in this house; dad died in this house , but I'm ready to move on.....Plus I aint got no money seeins hows' we were denied his life insurance and teaching doesn't seem to be calling me hither right now....

Anyway I do know how you feel about being too much on this site...I just hang out with my old war buddies..... ;)

Do Well


honjen43 profile image
honjen43 in reply to abirke

Me too!!!

Want to move across city to a newer area, but still keep my contacts. All in my current neighborhood have moved out. Have rental next door and is back on market at a ridiculous price.

Change in housing density and new industry close by mean both places could be bowled to fit in a multistorey monstrosity!

Like you I raised my family here and lived here 48 years so it will be a big wrench.

Family are there for me but I still seem to be doing it all on my own! So is taking time!


Jen xxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to honjen43

Wow you know my whole town has exploded . It has almost doubled in population since the 90's. When we first moved to NWArkansas, my neighborhood was just a nice typical place to live. New housing and large large corporations have made this place a hub of growth. Now it's 20 years older and my lil' neck of the woods is OLD. . But not in a classic sort of way....sort of like me hahahah...

I can't remember one day to the next, do you live in the US?

Well Jen, God guide us both eh? Maybe I'll get me a van and live down by the river. ahahaha not so much a joke anymore. Alot of retirees HAVE sold there homes and do just that in $250,000 RVs ....

Take care Dear and love the memories.....


honjen43 profile image
honjen43 in reply to abirke

Looks like it's the same the world over!

No. I live in New Zealand. Was a wonderful place to bring up kids when we arrived in 1969. Then there were more sheep than people! Now with increased industry, population, is still good, but not as I like it!

This town has also exploded into a city, and I don't think it is being well planned! Various corps are pulling the purse strings and making decision on development that seems very wrong! Money talks more than population's view!

Yes. Part of getting older I suppose. I too have thought of getting a van and going off to the wild to live! Until I get something wrong with me, or my body aches!

Think I need a holiday!

Take care


Jen xxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to honjen43

My son and girlfriend stayed 3 months in NZ. They worked their way upt to the top and back down to the bottom. They found people willing to take them in for a week or two while they did odd jobs...one I think was digging up her compost creating a garden etc....They met a man on the beach who spoke to them about the green stones they found etc...they loved it!

It is hard to see your area get smaller and smaller as people get more and more.....'Think I need a holiday as well....

Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Happy birthday beautiful lady have a lovely time at your birthday party with all you wish for, still in Dubai windy day still hot, leave to go home tomorrow, I can honestly say I can’t wait to go home. Sending you all some sunshine 🌞 xxxxx

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

Thank you Darlin...you been there awhile....Well we My kids and I, are going to Arizona to see their grandparents next month and its a little hot though it does get cool in the mornings....So the coffee isn't met with 90* (32*C) heat!

Happy travelin' Thanks again for the message

formercarer profile image

Happy birthday Andrea! I wish you good health, much sunshine and many happy meetings in the year ahead x

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to formercarer

Thank you fc! "many happy meetings" I like that ,. You know ther's so many good reasons to make meetings happy from helping somebody out of a bad day to reducing stress on facial muscles....as well as releasing endorphin's that make you feel good ...... and how easy just by smiling.....You have a great day as well

Kevin_1 profile image

Hi Andrea

Waiving at you.


I hope the party was good :)


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Kevin_1

Hey K1, waiving back at ya.... It's always good to have my family over especially when they/re cookin' ;) thanks for the greeting....have a great.....hmm nights sleep it's probably around bed time eh?

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to abirke

Hi Andrea

:) Great.

Yup, I'm just off to my bunk now.

And the moggie will sleep on top of me until she thinks I'm asleep then she finds a corner near the bottom of the bed. :)

Sweet, irritating, but she is boss.

You night owls have a good day eh? :)

Glad it was good time.

AVB - You are a great person. You've been to hell and somewhat back.

A lot of warmth and a deep respect for you from here.




abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Kevin_1

Thanks Kev. We've all been and or are going through hell my friend....get some rest say goodnight to the boss for me...

ketchupman profile image

Happy Birthday Andrea!!! Welcome to the "57 club". I've tried to get the most out of it, as this was my big birthday year, since my last name is Heins ... almost like Heinz. But unfortunately those days are numbered, as I turn 58 next month. Just won't be the same.

Lot of love,

Dan ... AKA Ketchupman

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to ketchupman

Oh poor Ketchupman you been waiting all your life to be 57 and now it's almost over....don't blink we'll b e 60 before we know it! Hey one of these days we got to get our American neighbors together like they're doing in the UK next month.....we could all have Tea ; they in the UK and us in the US....think we could get anyone interested....You interested?

Well if I have to be in a club I'm glad it's one youre in Dan.....Do well

honjen43 profile image
honjen43 in reply to abirke

60 is good! Then you tend to count the '5 in between'. 70 not bad. Am waiting for the 'in between' and not too eager to reach the next milestone!


Jen xxx

honjen43 profile image
honjen43 in reply to ketchupman

Good to see you, Ketchupman! Like AVB says, go for the 60's. Is good!


Jen xxx

Sawa profile image

Happy birthday, Andrea! I'm sure I'm late by a day, but at least the time difference works in your favour and you end up getting lovely messages and wishes for 2 days 😊



abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Sawa

I'm loving it! I hope your'e doing well Sharon....Thank you again for the greetins

Auddonz profile image



Spiralsparkle profile image

Happy Birthday to you. Xx

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