Well George's birthday yesterday went to the hospice took some cakes, he opened a few presents, I left to come home at 1.30 to get ready to go back with all the children at 4 o'clock, phone call from the hospice saying George was unwell, taking him to hospital, this is how I saw him when he arrived at the hospital, he looked really bad. His catheter was blocked, never seen so much blood come out when they unblocked it. He had to stay in hospital, arrived here after picking up his things from hospice, he was talking rubbish, was rather upset that I had left him last night at 11.30. This morning he looks unwashed, but have cleaned him up, they said he can go home. It was rather a horrible birthday, so let the celebrations being today. Waiting for them to give him an injection and antibiotics and we are going home 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😐🎉🎉
Birthday boy : Well George's birthday... - PSP Association
Birthday boy

Oh I'm sorry George and you had such a bad day yesterday. Do hope he can go home/hospice soon and you can celebrate his birthday with the children. 🎂🎁🎉 and 🍷 for you!
Vicki x
You are both in my thoughts.
Sending big hug and much love.
Lots of love
Aww Yvonne, so sorry!! How is George now? How are you bearing up? X
Hi Yvonne
Sorry that George has gone to hospital but at least he's home and can see all of you for a bit of a party
Please take care
Sue xx
Sorry about all that happened. Happy birthday to George and hope you get you have some fun back home.
Is the catheter leak fixed?
So sorry for the turn of events on his special day...prayers for you both.
Thank you xxx
Yvonne I am so very sorry that George is ill. I hope he recovers but this thing can go anyway in the space of a few hours as you know. Saying prayers for you both.
A big hug to you too.
Marie x
Happy Birthday George! Hope you enjoy the celebrations today and the sun shines for you xx

Not sure about the celebration he is unwell, going to have a fun day next Sunday xxxx
Sorry, that sounded rather insensitive of me. I misread the end of your post about celebrations.xx

It's finexxx
Sounds similar to the roller coaster I am on-my prayers for you and for all who are suffering from this terrible disease!
I am feeling for you, Yvonne. I hope for the best, whatever that may be. Love, Ec
I'm a relative newcomer and may not know key info about George's background and condition.
So, my immediate question would be: why the blood? Did he have recent surgery? Is he on an anti-coagulent for heart or stroke preventive reasons? In most cases I know about (including in my own past history), a hospital would not release a patient with an unresolved bleeding issue.
Hemorrhages and UTI's, of course, are not part of PSP or other Parkinsonian conditions. However, in too many cases, they sadly can be the result of inattention or carelessness among carers of such neuro patients, whether institutional or personal providers of care.
Wishing the best for George, you, and his loved ones.
Christian Ed58
We take better care of our loved ones on all levels! I know you do Yvonne. Such is PSP. Hope he settles in and is safe and warm with you.
Thank you Jean, I am hoping that he will look better in the morning, got this horrible feeling that he is the next stage of this horrible illness, really frightened, don't want him to leave me xxxxxx
How are things to-day, Yvonne ?
Thinking of you both. You are both suffering so much.
Another cuddle.
love Jean xx
Not a good night, george back in hospital, catheter not draining, really poorly xxxxx
Hoping he is ok. Thinking of you, Yvonne
love Jean xx
Jean just come back from the amazing hospital in Cambridge adamsbrook, they were waiting for George to get there, it was amazing, they found he has a stone in his kidneys, it must of been so painful xxxx
Poor George. Didn't need that as well !
Can they treat it ?
Dear Yvonne,
This disease manifests in so many awful ways. I hope things even out for you dear one.
Hi Yvonne, gosh to bad that George had such a terrible day on his Birthday, hopefully once back home things will be better, hang in there yes this is one thing after another endless. Nettie