I would like to thank you all for the kind words you have written, the help and advice you have given me whilst trying to understand this awful disease.
There are times when you feel the need to get the anger, hurt and sadness off your chest but cannot talk with family or friends. This is when we all turn to our extended family (you guys) knowing you will say the right things and feel our pain but never judge. I want to say that there has been many a time when I have felt it's all been too much but then I would read a post and it would help me to put things in perspective and give me a kick up the rear or put a smile on my face from a funny post so thank you all.
There was one thing I completely forgot to mention and that was dads death certificate, yep you've got it guys another one for the team PSP was noted as the cause, so just wanted to share this as I know it's so very important that this gets recognised.
Sending you all lots of love and hugs xxxx