This is a post to see if anyone else has seen an improvement in saliva drool flow with use of stomach relief Hyocene and if so how long the effect lasted.
M has had poor saliva control for over 2 yrs we have had temporary relief with Glycopyrronium which helped for about 8 months. Initially hyocene patches (18 months ago) caused major bad reactions (involuntary limb motions, chokes and irregular breath control). About 6 months ago, when M had been in the nursing home for about 2 months they tried the patches again and found a 3 days on 3 days off provided a balance between irregular limb movement and full flow drool.
Then 2 weeks ago M started to get reflux after PEG feeds (very scary and caused M a lot of discomfort) the Dr prescribed Buscopan tablets to stop the reflux. Buscopan is a different form of hyocene to that in the patches so patches had to stop. Buscopan started last Sat, then on Tuesday without notice her heavy saliva stopped became normal and is still normal. The bad news on Tuesday we had a 3 hr wait in hospital waiting for Consultant to give Botox to her saliva glands, he suggested that as the new drug regimen had saliva under control we should wait for Botox until New Year.
The advantages of Buscopan is that at present at low end dose so plenty of room to increase and no limb movements, though more sleepy. Anyone seen this before?