This morning I felt like I couldn't cope with this horrible disease any more, but after five whole hours of time to myself I feel like a new woman! Keith agreed to try the hospice again, after I explained to them that he didn't enjoy doing craft type things and would prefer a massage or something they allocated a key worker to look after him, she's so lovely and phoned before he left home and again on his way back! She says it had been a pleasure to look after him and that he'd agreed to go again next week! Whoop whoop! πππ xx
A new woman?: This morning I felt like I... - PSP Association
A new woman?

Great! Good to hear.X
Keep whooping
Brilliant news! Well done pat! I'm so pleased you feel a lil refreshed! I find our hospice truly amazing and without them I definitely could not cope!! Well done my darling x
Dear Pat, that is just so great, it's good for both of you, sending hugs xx
Pat so glad Keith likes the hospice give you a well deserved break xxxxx
Yes, it can be a hell.
Wonderful... So happy for you.
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face.
Such a relief when they agree to attend and actually quite enjoy it. Enjoy your well earned free time Pat.
Love Kate xxx
Glad you both enjoyed your day. Lets hope it carrys on. Janexx
Good for you Pat, talk about a godsend!
I have been thinking about crafty things to do with B / We have a huge craft store in my town....I bought wooden alphabet letters so that B can feel the letter and hopefully see better what he is ppoinnting to. But I am afraid B is just like Keith....bag the crafts! I'm not too crafty myself....but could go for a massage!
Anyway I hope this becomes a happy schedule built into your lives....It's amazing what a couple of hours can do for ones psyche!
Oh that is lovely news! So important to get your time and the fact that Keith has enjoyed his time at the hospice makes it even better! Have a good day xxπ
Hospices are wonderful. I've got hubby in one day a fortnight for 12 weeks. Such a relief to do something without worry and not have to rush straight back
So pleased for you. The hospices provide a wonderful service, our experience mirrors yours, we both benefitted greatly. I hope it continues to work out well for you.
Kindest regards, Jerry.
Couldn't do without my hospice break ! Even if he sleeps all the time, as he did last Monday. He woke to eat !!!
He enjoys the attention he gets there. Always happy to go. I just need the "respite " of not being on call.
So glad you are feeling better.
lots of love, Jean x
That's great news Pat and long may it continue.
W has a new GP and on our last visit I asked him to refer W to our local hospice so that they can get to know him and he can get to know them while he is still able to communicate and fairly mobile. I did this Due to a post I read on this forum some time ago.
Also asked for referral to Occup Therapist as getting up from a chair is getting more and more difficult.
Hope you are keeping good Pat.
Lots of love
Nanny857 xx
Thank you but things have gone wrong since last week, Keith is now going into a care home full time, it's breaking my heart but things have been taken out of my hands now, I just can't cope with the changes which have happened so fast!
But again thank you for your concern!
Love and hugs....Pat xx
Oh Pat I'm so sorry I'm not surprised your heart is breaking. Pat I'm sure this isn't much consolation, but you didn't take the decision, the professionals did because they could see how you much it was affecting you. Just think of the many years you have been looking after Keith, and all the fighting you had to do to get him the care and equipment he needed. Is the home across the road from you with the lovely staff. If so Keith will be close by and you know the staff and that he will be well cared for. You can then get some rest and visit him refreshed and enjoy your time with him. Thinking of you and sending a big hug. xx