So I was overjoyed when the neurologist suggested trying Nuplazid for my husbands hallucinations. Picked up the samples from the office building wearing mask & gloves. Although the doctor had said give it mornings, I called & asked if we could start that afternoon. He called back at 5 and said yes. I asked what possible side effects I should look for and he joked, poverty( no generic so ultimately very costly). Gave it to him after I got off of the phone(5:15). He wanted to get up from his recliner at 7:39, but not for bed but I asked to give him his usual meds first( Seroquel & very small dose of clonazapam). He agreed and by 8 we thought he agreed to go to bed. Walking in was more difficult and he was hunched over. When we got to the bed that wasn’t what he wanted. When he finally less horizontal he was almost catatonic and moaned a bit. Maybe 20 minutes later he was up again, hallucinating worse, now insisting he wanted to go home ( we are home), and somewhat aggressive when thwarted from getting up ( he’d only fall and take me or whomever with him at that point). I tried small amounts of lorazepam not sure how much of the 4 .25ml doses he actually ingested & still he kept going ( and he’s strong). Finally, our son got him to the bathroom where he wanted to go at that point & to bed at 12:15. He’s been sleeping ever since. All the while he knew who we were and could tell you where he lived. This was more than what we’d seen prior to the Nuplazid.
We decided no new meds or dosage changes for now. With the pandemic there’s no place to turn . For now we may just need to keep him more sedated when he gets restless or agitated as he’s been getting a few hours a day this past week rather than risk a hospitalization.
Nuplazid , a Parkinson’s approved drug,is off label for PSP. Anyone had any experience with it? Not sure if one dose did this or if one can get accustomed with use, but, for now, we are one and done. Now to tell the neurologist.