Well George has been up since 10.30 agitated, so I thought it might be a urine infection, he was breathing funny, phoned 111 explained everything, doctor rang back after over an hour later, said someone would come out , over 3 hours later doctor arrives, she said he has a urine infection, but she also said she thought the catheter was blocked, so now we are waiting for the DN to come and flush it through, he is moving all over the bed in pain. I am so tired just feel like curling up in a ball and not waking up, he keeps calling me, banging his legs and calling me, been going on now for over 4 hours, no one understands what we are going through!!!!!! How long now for the DN to come just want to sleep, DN just said they would be 2 hours, George is in pain, and there is nothing I can do. Yvonne xxxx
Here we go again: Well George has been up... - PSP Association
Here we go again

Oh Yvonne! I'm so sorry! What a nightmare. I wish I could help. I don't even have any bad or useless advice for you, no idea what to suggest for George's pain and agitation. Just, well, hang on! Hugs, ec
I'm with ec, I have no good or useless advice...except maybe you can hang on to a couple pills so that if and when this happens again, you will be prepared! My man is on the pot , has been for an hour, constipated and drowsy...it's 12:47am....and I'm so tired'AVB
My guy just fell off the toilet bowl trying to take care of business....well he needs my help take care yvonne
Oh Yvonne, how awful. That's what I find the most difficult about this horrible condition, when I know C is in pain or discomfort but don't know where it is or what I can do about it.
I hope the DN visits very soon and helps poor George.
Sending you a big hug.
Omg Yvonne another awful nightmare! I hope the DN has been and sorted everything now! Reading this kind of post makes me very wary of catheters! So worrying, tiring and frightening! Sending you both huge hugs and loads of love! ❤️ X
Yvonne my heart goes out to you, there's nothing to be said that can help, I hope the nurses visit soon and get George comfortable xxxx
Yvonee..how is the situation going on now.. i wonder why dont you use condom catheter to avoid blockage and UTis? For my dad it is more calm when he used it... he had that pain when he used the internal one but now no pain AllhamdulilAllah.. hope everything is better and you had a nice sleep too.. lots of love and hugss.. Mai xx
Some times people have to have an indwelling catheter. Brian can't pass any urine at all now so we have to have a an indwelling one and because he has a lot of deposits in his bladder his does block fairly frequently.. next blockage he will have an open ended catheter inserted... less chance of blockage. Janexx
My guy couldn't use the convene and had lots of trouble with the indwelling one, too. So I use layered briefs and deal with emergencies as they arise.
Oh poor ec...I guess if you can prepare for it that way it's what you can do
It's really not that bad! We sleep through most nights now, which is a major improvement compared to last year when we NEVER had more than 3 hours out at a time.
Thank you all district nurse came just after 6 o'clock, we were both so tired, after she left I cleaned him up and he is fast asleep, no centre for him today, I am just having a cup of tea sitting on my bed and relaxing Yvonne xxxxx
Sorry for your bad night. Hope you catch up with sleep today and George sleeps too !! Feeling frightened and helpless is awful.
Chris takes the convene off too.
Love and a hug, Jean xx
So sorry to hear, I hope he is feeling more comfortable now and you are resting a little x
Its dreadful usnt it? While you were waiting, we were waiting , for the ambulance as B had fallen and banged his back causing a big swelling. I called the helpline but they would not come because he had been injured.So we sat on the hall floor for ages. The ambulance people could not diagnose, but he would not go to hospital. We then waited for a paramedic. He did a thorough check over and said that the swelling would go down, the ribs and spine were not compromised.Very late, very tired, slept in for the carer this morning. Sending sleepy hugs and hoping that things have calmed down.X
Hope George has been sorted by now and you have managed the carer's snooze (definitely not sleep). I know M is different anatomy but after an early blockage I asked DN's show me how to flush the catheter as it looked easy (attach bottle and squeeze.) it worked a couple of times but I always did it while on phone to ambulance/DN service just in case.
Best wishes Tim
Tim they didn't try and flush it they changed it x
Shocking that they take so long. It may be better to call for an ambulance next time, atleast that way they are forced to help. The paramedic may have been able to flush the catheter. It's horrible watching your loved one in pain, feel sooo helpless.
Anyway I'm glad it's all sorted, maybe you can both get some rest now.
Hope today will be better for you, try and get some rest(haha easier said than done)
Debbie xxx
I've had this with Geoff, the DN came and unblocked it within the hour (it happened in opening hours)!
Then in the early hours the following morning he was just as you described George. I also called 111 and the doctor came under the hour and removed his catheter. Geoff now has a convene and a nappy at night, which is more comfortable, with no risk of UTI.
Not sure if a convene will be suitable for George, but if you think it might help, discuss with DN.
I am with you all the way, Thank goodness for this page, because NO-ONE can possibly understand what we all have to go through on a daily basis.
Poor Geoff was crying last night and so I laid beside him, soothing him and asking him what was upsetting him. He said 'I can't even make love to you. I can't even make you a cup of tea' It broke my heart.
Try to stay brave and strong, our loved ones are in there.
Geoff may seem miles away most days, but just those 2 sentences told me he is still with me.
It is no ones fault that we are all suffering, those with this awful PSP and those who care.
Pam x
So sorry to hear your problems Yvonne, hope George (and you) can have an easy day and try to catch up on some sleep. The stress levels we experience must be enormous !!
I know how it is! I'd give anything for one uninterrupted night's sleep. Urinating all night long, every night. I'm trying to learn how to stand up and sleep.
I'll keep you in my prayers today.
Yvonne, feel so sorry for you. We all have our bad times and then good periods of time. Keep us in the loop. i will write a post about what has been going on here.
Audrey xoxo
Yes, Audrey, do let us know how you're doing. It has been a while since we've heard from you. Love, ec
Well first he broke his femur about 6 weeks ago which is why I was not around. Then rehab. Should have been home this week but I had my accident 3 weeks ago. I didn't go to the hospital since I figured if I rested it would go away. Of course it got worse instead of better, severe pain which finally sent me to the hospital, primary and neurosurgen. MRI for the neur so that he could definitely see what I did. They said I have osteoporisis, oops spelled wrong, which having the fall gave me the compression fracture. Lucky me.
Love Audrey
Hugs and prayers. This so awful. When it comes right down to it you are abandoned in your darkest hour. This is not right. We are all here for you with prayers and hugs but you need medical help. Can you call an ambulance? I would if they can not come soon. For people 65 and over ambulance service is free in Alberta.Doctors do not make house calls here. So sorry you two have to go through this.
That is one tough night!
I hope you got some sleep today - or is that a silly thing to say?
Slept a couple of hours really tired now like walking on air, hopefully we will sleet going to bed at 10 o'clock xxxx
One thing after another Yvonne, I hope he is feeling a bit better now and the pain is sorted. It is a lot for one person to cope with and you feel so helpless when you can't ease their pain. Hope you get a good nights sleep, sweet dreams.
Love Kate xxx
I had a good night sleep George looks better this morning, I still feel tired, looking at jobs to be done but can't be bothered xxxxxx
Yvonne so sorry to hear that George is having such a terrible time so hard to see them in pain, wish I could help, thinking of you and George, pray that he gets better so hard on us.❤️ Hugs to you. Nettie
Nettie thank you it is hard, he seems a bit better today, made him get up, he kept complaining he was cold, so got him a cardigan and blanket all ok !!!!!! Yvonne xxxx