Well another bad night, up and down since 12oclock, can't sleep now, I am not feeling well myself, really bad sore throat, pains in my shoulder and back, sitting in bed have a lemsip, feeling like rubbish, with a new day starting all over again. Just hoping George has not got another urine infection, so tired of this bloody PSP, feel like giving up, just want to sleep a whole night, without George blowing his whistle, feel like jumping on it. Oh well it's Saturday need to pull myself together, shopping to do, cleaning, and a pile of ironing. Going to a family dinner on Sunday all the children and grandchildren there, so looking forward to that. George has been coughing a lot and it sounds like he has loads of phelm (not sure how to spell it), when do we need to get a suction machine, do I need a suction machine? Feeling that he is going down hill, sad time. Yvonne xxxx
Bad night again : Well another bad night, up... - PSP Association
Bad night again

That's the thing that worries me most about this awful condition. What happens if I'm ill, C will have to go into a home until I'm better but things that would normally have put us to bed have to be ignored don't they. I've had a huge abscess in my gum since Saturday. I'm on antibiotics and the tooth is coming out when C is at the hospice next week. I can feel my pulse in my gum, boom,boom,boom, pounding away and want to scream but C still has to be looked after.
I do hope you are well enough to enjoy your family get together and that both of you get a good night's sleep tonight. Have you asked the GP for sleeping pills for George? I had to give them to C when he kept calling me at night.
Try to doze today.
Sending you a big hug.
Bloody hell nannab poor poor you!! Sending you lots of love and a massive hug too x 💋
Oh NannaB, I feel your pain!!! I have had a problem with one of my front teeth. Turns out I am grinding my teeth and have moved this tooth, so it has become extremely sensitive to everything. Have given me a gum shield to sleep with. I can't sleep as it is without this monstrosity in my mouth. So that was a total waste of money. Apparently, I am suffering from stress, goodness knows what from!!!! Hey ho.
Hope they can sort you out quickly. See if you can get an extra Carer for the evening you have the tooth out, in case you are suffering.
Lots of love
Oh Heady I now have a gap in my front teeth from grinding. I got the overpriced-guard that you cannot possibly sleep with in your mouth as well!
Thanks Heady. Apparently the tooth is cracked right down the middle. I still have a huge gum but I think the antibiotics have kicked in as it isn't so painful. My brother and his wife are staying for 5 nights so they are a great help. I hope I'm able to eat the fish and chips at Hastings we plan for today.
Have a good day.
I know NannaB we cant take to the bed and at times feel so sorry for ourselves. Take care xx
Oh Bev I hope the tooth trouble settles down with the antibiotics, have had abscesses in the past and that throbbing pain is unbearable. Poor you, will be a relief to get it sorted.
Love Kate xx
Awe Yvonne I feel your pain and I'm so sorry your feeeling so rubbish, when we don't feel 100% and are tired everything seems even worse and so much harder to cope with! I'm afraid I don't have any knowledge on a suction machine but would like to know all about them. Dad is coughing a lot continually and has woken up with a cold today as have I. Luckily I had the GP out yesterday and have another load of antibiotics ready should another chest infection start (oh god) here's hoping you have a better day today and sounds like you have a lovely day planned tomorrow
Sending you a massive hug!!!!! X
Poor Yvonne. Hope you soon feel better. It is hard knowing that we just have to cope. Leave the cleaning and ironing !!
Enjoy Sunday.
love, Jean x
NannaB I hope you feel better, and you get you tooth out on Monday, we think George has a urine infection, his urine smells, phone 111 to be told that it was 4-5 hour wait for doctors to ring back, I feel really rubbish today, can't remember things anymore, my daughter gave me something to put away for her, I can't find it, had every drawer out, feeling sad because, it was all her rings, which are worth a lot of money, just don't know where else to look, feeling so sick, at not being able to find them. Just got this feeling that I am not going to find them, how do I tell her. Yvonne xxxxxx
It's probably the Borrowers. They are always taking things in this house and bringing them back later. Two of my rings disappeared for years but they eventually put them back under the stair carpet. We discovered them when we renewed the carpet. We have a lovely night carer from Ghana. One evening I couldn't find something and said I expect the Borrowers have taken it. She asked who the Borrowers were and I told her they are little people who live under the floor and borrow things that will help them, She believed me and said her aunt has goblins who she sees every evening.
It's worse that the rings are your daughters and not yours. I hope they turn up soon. We have too many things to think about. I'm not surprised we forget things sometimes.
Our daughter came around she went home in tears, George was so frustrated, he wanted us to get his walker, he said he wanted to walk, and be independent, of course he can't walk. He said at the centre they left him in one place a forgot about him, I was holding back tears, I will go to the centre on Monday , see what is going on, feels like my child is not happy at school, breaks your heart!!!!!!! Feeling like not knowing what to do? Do I keep him home, where he is just sitting in a chair, our make him mix with other people? Yvonne xxx
Put the iron down, and go get a suction machine...George may really benefit from it. I had a sinus infection. There was a couple of days that I thought I did something to my neck....When I finally got to the dr. the Q he first asked , "any pain in your neck and shoulder?" so maybe there is something about that.....You might want to get George to a dr too his coughing to lead to something worse....
Iam sorry you are ill and so worried...one day at a time darlin', one day ata time.I do hope you get to enjoy your family get together....
Not feelin' so well myself
AVB I hope you are also feeling better soon, thank you for your kind words thanks to you all xxxxx
Hi Yvonne, sorry to hear that both you and George aren't feeling very well. It's ridiculous that you have to wait 4/5 hours for a doctor. If he gets worse, I would dial 999. As for yourself, rest up. The cleaning will only need doing tomorrow anyway, so you might as well wait and do it then. As for the ironing, fold it nicely and put it away!!!
I think is what we all dread the most, being ill. I got frightened earlier. I hit my elbow, right on the extremely unfunny bone. I couldn't move it and my hand got pins and needles. Who do you call, in the middle of the weekend, if suddenly you can't look after your loved one? Thankfully, I haven't damaged the elbow, but it still hurts like mad.
I think the suction pump is the SALT team's area. Phone them on Monday and get some advice.
Hope you feel better soon and the doctor sorts Georges UTI out quickly. Enjoy tomorrow.
Lots of love
Oh Yvonne. I do hope you feel better really soon, it's awful enough without feeling ill ourselves. Hugs xx
Well update DN came out, they are lovely she checked George's urine he has another infection, only just got over the last one, DN was here within the hour, and the matron when she came in to see George ordered him some more antibiotics, as a backup, lucky could get him straight on them, he is asleep, hopefully he will sleep all night xxxxx
Heady also hope you sort you teeth out, Yvonne xxxx
Thank you jean George not well waiting for doctor xxxxx
Not feeling great chest is really tight and coughing, I think I need the doctors in the morning, or do I ask the doctor that comes to check me as well, to top it all, George's pants are wet think it is leaking. We never got out to our daughters for dinner, they are sending some home xxxxx. Thank you all xxxx
Should of said the catheter is leaking x
I'm so sorry Yvonne, it's so awful I'm feeling the same, I'm sitting next to Keith in hospital as I type this, am going to do another post to explain, I'm so fed up with everything to do with this awful, vicious, evil, hateful, foul (and every other nasty word!) PSP!
Sending you a big cuddle
Lots of love....Pat xx
Thank you pat. Doctor came at 7.30 George has a chest infection and a urine infection, I also hate this PSP so much. Asked doctor to look at my throat he said I had some spots in it, just keep an eye on it, my chest feels so tight, I think Hal's if it is stress. Pat sorry to hear Keith is I. Hospital xxxx sending you a big hug back xxxxx. What a Sunday xxxx
Yvonne, you know you are not alone. Don has been home 2 weeks from rehab and is going down hill again. Won't do his exercises, which truthfully I think is the key to him doing better. I have my compression fracture and can't do much to help him. It hurts to see him regressing again and don't know what to do. I am sitting and crying again.
Audrey xoxo
Oh Audrey it is so sad, being on the blog for nearly 2 years so much has happened, and time move so quick, it is like a bad dream, and you wake up to a few good days, but so many bad days. I hope you feel better soon, wish I could come and give you a big hug Yvonne xxxxxx
I think we all fear being ill and not able to care for our loved one, such a scary thought. I hope you both manage to recover quickly, forget the cleaning and ironing they aren't priority, I've decided to iron only the very necessary and can barely believe why I wasted so much time ironing things when it didn't really matter. Sorry you didn't manage to see the family, they are the things that really hurt when you look forward to something. Can't advise on suction machine as Ben not at that stage yet.
Take good care of yourself Yvonne
Love and hugs
Kate xxx
Thank you Kate, I also do the bare minimum of ironing, yes but our daughter that lives around the corner brought us food back, so at least I felt like part of the day. Slept in with George last night, he had a good night, sleeping nearly sitting up. DN is going to order us a suction machine!!!!! What a journey we are having, never in a million years did I think that this would happen, so many plans for our retirement, not been able to do any of the things we had planned, moan over, just feeling sorry and sad, also still not feeling great myself. Love to you all wonderful people xxxx Yvonne