This morning heaven gained another age our Mum. Psp robbed her of her sight, her speech, her mobility and over the last two weeks put her in a comatose state. Unable to take food and fluids she eventually had the syringe driver fitted 3 days ago. She bravely fought an illness so cruel to her and us that were by her side every day over the last two weeks and lived this illness with her. Unfortunately, she chose to not share her last hours with us and died peacefully this morning. A traumatic week I never want to relive again. Now she is at peace and we can bring her home. Much love to all you sufferes out there, those who have psp and their carers and family, we know it's a tough road to be on but stay strong and take all the help you can. X x x
Another angel: This morning heaven gained... - PSP Association
Another angel

That should of been angel. X x
Yes! Peace at last. I'm so sorry your mum has left you all. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time.
Love to you all
Nanna B
Such a generous post at this sad time.
Were warm wishes enough.
I offer them anyway.
My condolences. I do hope you now will have a recovery from PSP that your mum was not afforded.
She is at peace now. Thinking of you at this time... stay strong you know where i am if you need a hug. Janexx
So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Nanny857 xx
So sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family also your mother who no longer has to deal with this awful illness xx
Sending love. Your Mum is at peace now. Bless you all. X
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Your mam is at peace take comfort from that. It's 3 months tomorrow that we lost our amazing dad. We will never forget him and will continue to raise awareness of this dreadful illness that so few are aware of. All my love xxx
Very sorry to hear of your loss. At least your Mum is now free from this awful disease. May you family find peace.
My thoughts are with you and your family, as sad as it is she is now free from this terrible cruel disease. You can now take time to grieve. Love Kate xx
Sending you and your family massive hugs of love. Sufferers are such brave warriors. May she now be free.
Now you can grieve in peace knowing your mum is at peace with the world and free to do all the things psp robbed her of. My thoughts are with you and your family. Xxx
I got diagnosed 4 mths ago my mempry is failing
So sorry to hear your news. Be happy that your Mother is at rest. Relieved from her torment of this ghastly disease. My condolences. You will be so sad to lose her.
Our prayers are with you and your family as you go through the last journey of her life.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it's coming for us but hard to fathom. You said it well. Bless you and your family.
So sorry to hear about your Mum, all of us on this site can empathise with what you and she went through. It`s a tough road.
Take care of yourself so sorry to hear your sad news xx
Hi so very sorry about your mom I know it's been a terrible road,just know she is at internal rest now, thinking of you and your family take care.
Hi Dibber Mums at peace now knowing that all your worry has now gone and she is in no more pain and been released
Godbless to you all
Atleast your mum is at peace now. No more Psp. This horrible illness. I hate it with all my heart.
I hope you find peace knowing that your mum is no longer suffering.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness to all of us at this difficult time for you. Keep the good memories alive and let the awfulness of PSP go away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Sending hugs to you and your family at this difficult time xx