Have just returned from cruise to France, Italy and Montenegro and thankfully all went well. We both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It is the first holiday that I have had to completely take charge of, checking in, fetching all drinks from the bar, which I'm afraid to says were many, escorting him to the loo and anxiously waiting outside until he reappeared ( usually at some inappropriate time such as just as we sat down to enjoy a show) ordering meals etc etc. We got a lot of funny looks but our American dining neighbours were lovely and I felt able tell them the problem and handed the card I was sent from the PSPA, she was a nurse and had already guessed it was a neurological condition but had never heard of PSP. Returned to this grotty weather and winter feels just around the corner, fingers crossed it won't be the long cold winter they are predicting.
Back from cruising: Have just returned from... - PSP Association
Back from cruising

Katie welcome home, glad you enjoyed your cruise, we went on a cruise to Australia in 2013, George just had a walking stick, loved it, so happy for your both. The weather is not very nice, and yes they did say we were going to get a bad winter. We are of to Cyprus on Wednesday, it is really hot over there, taking George back to see family and a few good friends, only for 6 days, so looking forward to it. Once again welcome home, and hope you get chance to go on another cruise. Yvonne xxxxx
Well Done Katie! It not easy travelling with our partners. So really glad you managed it and got him back safely! After our last trip, having a good time as well, I felt was a bonus!
I too felt it weird, sorting out everything, going to the bar etc., but least I didn't have to wait around with an empty glass!!! Except the times we lost drinks, because we would have to leave the table, for sometimes an hour at a time! Oh the joys of our lives!!!
Lots of love
hi miss Katie bow welcome back home mate I am very happy that all went well with your trip and you both enjoyed yourselves '' good on yer mates don't worry about your weather next year mate that will look after itself see yer peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer best wishes to you both
I'm so pleased you had a great time. I booked a Norwegian cruise within days of C being diagnosed. It was the first time I had to take charge as well. We had a wonderful holiday but the most stressfull bit was driving from Kent to Southampton and finding the car park when my longest journey prior to that was about 7 miles. I did feel a wonderful sense of achievement when we returned home safe and sound though.
I hope you manage to get away several more times before it gets too much.
So glad you had a good time. I ,too, have found the getting drinks etc. difficult. You are aware you're on duty all the time !
I'm thinking of having a last minute holiday as C. is on a plateau. If I don't it might never be possible. So I feel encouraged by your experience. As C doesn't converse much we will go with two friends so it helps us both.
We really do have to grab the " now ", don't we ?
love, Jean x
So glad we did it as I was in two minds. Have also booked a week at Centre Parks beginning of October with the direct family. Seems a good option as they can go off and do their thing and we have a chance to be with our two year old grandson. Can't wait. Costing a fortune all this holidaying but I don't care. Hope you get your holiday sorted and enjoy! Xx
Katiebow enjoy the time away while you can, build up lots of memories and hang the expense, use the cash for yourselves now rather than pay it to the state for care or tax.
I get pictures out from our travels which M remembers and laughs at. Our last foreign holiday together was to Canaries a year ago but though room and hotel adapted for wheelchair M still managed cut head in shower fall. The 4 hour flight was uncomfortable for M who could not get comfy or get in the toilet without help though we laugh at 2 in an airplane loo trying to sort pads skirts etc, one time she span me so I was on the loo not her. So now it is short trips with one or 2 nights in a Premier Inn or Travel Lodge. Takes plenty of photos of both of you together, I have plenty of M on her own but the best are shared photos these are the ones she likes now. I have printed a few out on A4 paper so she can see them properly. Anyway enjoy Centre Parcs with the family, best wishes Tim
I must say after reading all of these posts, I am a bit jealous! The farthest we go is to our sons house about 20 miles away! Well , we all deserve a good holiday even if we have more on our plate than the just the lobster eh? hahah