I’ve had an MRI and CT scan in the past two weeks. Results showed two suspicious prostate lesions. Scheduled for biopsy in a few days. Have researched much information on biopsies and prostate cancer. My urologist didn’t go into much detail about the actual biopsy procedure.
Scheduled for Prostate Biopsy - Prostate Cancer A...
Scheduled for Prostate Biopsy

Get a transperineal biopsy if you can. Either a nerve block or propofol can be used for pain.
I trust (hope) you've at least gotten instructions to prepare your body for the procedure, cleansing, stopping meds that encourage bleeding, etc.. If you haven't, there's been a glitch, call the office right away. Good luck!
I had one about 10 days ago. Not really painful but unpleasant. Procedure took about 15 minutes. MRI will help doc focus on location but mine also took 12 samples all together. Still recovering. Prostate swelled up and is healing, I hope. Positive for cancer so next step is a PET scan to determine stage and recommended course of treatment. Good luck.
Some urologists are remiss in giving you all the details needed in preparing yourself and dealing with this procedure. PLEASE make sure you are given something to take the edge off whether it be mild sedation, etc. I had biopsies done 2 times over a span of several years; my first biopsy showed no cancerous growths. Though I am sure different urologists have different procedures, mine did the following....... The urologist inserts a tool into your rectum that takes several quick needle biopsies from your prostate (10 - 16). Each needle insertion is like a rubber band being snapped. The doctor has to reset and re-aim his tool before every sample is taken, so there is short lag time between each. It is not super painful, but uncomfortable, so breathe! He should tell you that there will be blood in your urine or semen for a few days afterwards. A friend of mine, who had already had a biopsy, told me to prepare myself for the amount of blood that might appear in my semen. Peeing had SOME blood in the urine that went away pretty quickly, but ejaculating was quite unsettling. My friend had prepared me for what might happen (not sure why the doctor didn't) so I was not totally freaked out. My semen did not just have some blood in it, it was COMPLETELY bloody. This was completely gone by the 3rd or 4th time I jerked off. Several years later, after my 2nd biopsy, I was prepared but, thankfully, there was not as much blood this time. Good luck.
I had a trans perineal biopsy a few weeks ago and I wish I had known to take something to help me relax! The next time I have one I will definitely take a Xanax prior to the procedure. Good luck!