I'm having my prostate removed on September 1st in celebration of National Prostate Awareness Month! Not really so much in celebration, it just happened that way... Off to Mayo I go, husband in tow, to rid myself of this wretched disease. I'm hoping Mayo is offering something special to celebrate. Maybe a gift with purchase or a nice t-shirt...
Celebrating National Prostate Awarene... - Prostate Cancer A...
Celebrating National Prostate Awareness Month...

Good luck! I wish you clear margins, undetectable PSAs, and early recovery of potency and continence.
T, you are in my thoughts, wishing you speedy recovery. Go get the Trifecta!
I can't tell whether you've had a past in marketing or there's a future in marketing for you. I've always thought "buddy day" would be nice: BOGO. You'll need a lot of rest and you're (both) in our thoughts, today especially. Love is: helping somebody to bed and arranging his cath and bag on the bedrail.
Best of luck. Keep us updated. I was supposed to have a prostectomy on 5/18 but they were unable to get to it.
All the best for a speedy recovery!!
Best of luck to you, with a speedy recovery.
Better days ahead for sure for you both. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Thanks for sharing your story.
Wishing you the best of outcomes.
best of luck with your "celebration"; I hope things go well!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Well I had my surgery and all went well. Spared nerves on one side and shaved on the other. My margins were clean and so were my lymph glands. Just got the cath removed and working on healing. Thanks everyone for the nice words of support!
Good luck .. It's 13 th today so hope your resting and doing as your told 😊Xxx
Mucho grande good vibes and thoughts for your upcoming surgery!
YOu are blessed to have a partner to lean into for this!