You can look at my profile for my exact diagnosis. However I started on Orgovyx on June 19th and then I was switched to Firmagon and had the loading dose of that on August 28th. Here are my PSA numbers
June 19th 7.02 Testosterone 393
July 20th 5.95 Testosterone 141
August 28th 6.23 Testosterone 301
Sept 25th 6.93 Do not have that number yet but will post when I find out
The MO will now be adding Zytiga and Prednisone now or double therapy. Is this common? I am really concerned because it seems most of you have your PSA and Testosterone drop from being on ADT for as long as I have. Not sure what questions I need to ask or other therapy I should pursue. This whole thing has got me quite concerned and worried to say the least.