A friend of mine had treatment for oligo metastatic disease and has been placed on ADT treatment for 2 years afterwards before he started a ADT pause. (Supported by his medical team)
He has been off the ADT for a little over a year now and his PSA has steadily increased to around 4,0. (He still has his prostate)
The issue is that no new metastasis shows up on the scans nor do the old bone lesions show any signs of recurring PC. He do not suffer from any of the medical conditions that could cause elevated PSA.
(He also had several PSMA pet scans during the last year all showed no signs of PC activity)
What could be the cause? His medical team have no answers of the cause.
His doctors want to put him back on ADT now but he is in doubt if its an idea to wait for visual signs on scans of recurring PC.