Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience to mine.
I had a TURP op for a BHP less than 12 months ago.
All going well until my PSA test 3 months ago came back as 18.5 then 18.9 one month later.
Since then I have had an MRI, PET scan and biopsy which has found 5 tumours on my prostate with Gleason score of 8 to 9 and Intraductal Carcinoma in 2 tumours and Adenocarcinoma in all others.
Fortunately at this stage it is still confined to the prostate.
I am waiting a Radical Robotic Prostatectomy.
The waiting is the hard part as I keep thinking if it escapes and spreads, in the meantime, I’m “up the creek!”
I’ve been told having this aggressive type of cancer is fairly rare in a 71-year-old guy.
I have always had all the checks over the last few years and I’m completely gobsmacked that this has happened.
I now face the “fight of my life” it seems!