Hi every one I don't have prostate cancer but I do have an enlarged prostate gland to which I am waiting for a trups operation on it.I have had a catheter in situ for 2 years now because my first operation was cancelled due to S.O.B. which turned out to be a heart problems it was found that I had calcified arteries on the three main arteries of my heart. I have other problems as well like back troubles and I need a total knee replacement. The last two problems were caused by the employment that I used to do which is Nursing I was in Nursing for over 20 years. And In them days we didn't have hoists like they do today in Nursing it was all hands on Nursing in them days. So I am willing to give advice to people if they have a question or something else worrying them. BUT I MUST STRESS THAT ANY ADVICE I GIVE IS JUST THAT AND THAT YOU SHOULD ASK YOUR CONSULTANT OR GP. Before you do anything about the advice I give you or anyone else who gives you advice. Take care of yourselves and stay safe always