Dealing with prostate cancer for 20 years. Now stage 4 and is aggressive. Benn on everything now on Lupron shots and Xtandi which have bad side effects. Any one else on Xtandi and if so are you having any problems. Your input will be appreciated
Advanced prostate cancer and dealing ... - Prostate Cancer N...
Advanced prostate cancer and dealing with side effects of the drug Xtandi

In your Pca biography you mentioned "having bad fatigue and vertigo". Almost all of the members here have complained about fatigue but they suggest some type of exercise to cope with it. I don't suffer from fatigue but I can relate to your vertigo. Many times I bump into walls, walk like I'm drunk and do pirouettes like a ballet dancer. I will be performing the Nutcracker Suite ballet at the Lincoln Center in NYC at Christmas time..... Get your tickets early....
Good Luck, Good Health and Goo Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 10/23/2019 5:29 PM DST
John, thanks for your reply. You are lucky you don’t have fatigue. Am on harmon shots and Xtandi both of which cause fatigue which makes you feel terrible. The vertigo is also causing problems. Still trying to play golf but have to t up three balls and hope I hit one as I fall off balance. Oh well another excuse when I am not playing well. Good luck. I have been fighting this for 20 years just gotten a lot worse with in the last year. Hang in there
20 years ain't a bad run so far.... hopefully you can make it to 30 years. As far as you golf game is concerned you can tell your golf buddies that twirling around when attempting to hit the ball is a old technique you discovered when you were young and on a medicine prescribed by Dr. A. Mulligan called LSD.
Good Luck, Good Health and Goo Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 10/23/2019 7:50 PM DST
Hi mate I have a diagnosis of Prostate cancer stage 4 Gleason 10,5/5 Mets in the limph nodes and bones about two years ago.Have had docetaxel only two doses near killed me am now on xtandi 120mg daily Eligard every 3months side effects are horrible take Effexor (antidepressants)for the hot flushes seems to work ok have a very poor memory so I don’t remember all the other drugs that I have been on you probably have been on the same hormones mostly I don’t think there is a cure yet so I’ll just keep going I’m lucky enough to have an understanding boss who gives me time off whenever it gets the better of me and to visit doctors I hope this helps looks like I’ve only just started the journey
Farmer-joe-1, thanks very much for your reply. Have been fighting this for 20 years. Had prostate removed at age 55, then 35 radiation treatments two years later and allkind of meds since. Now on harmon shots ever three months and Xtandi everyday which is causeing severe fatigue and vertigo. Cancer in lymph nodes but not in bones yet. Guess I am very lucky. Could be a lot worse. Good luck and you hang in there.