Its been a tumultuous year for all of us living under the fear of a deadly virus,something non of us have ever encountered before,some associates have died,and some are still struggling with its aftermath which can last a very long time.
Christmas was a very non event and some of us were consumed with sadness when we looked at the empty chair.
We have all coped as best we can whilst in confinement in our homes,not seeing anyone and not even a hug from our loved ones,and yet some people have been reckless and completely irresponsible by going out and mixing with all and sundry,and what bothers me is,if they have children are then not worried about that,for unknowingly they could be carriers of this deadly virus.?
As someone who is generally very sociable i have found it extremely hard,but not nearly as hard as the doctors,nurses,ambulance crews,Firemen,and the police who are all diligently working tirelessly to keep us all safe.
I cant help thinking that nature is trying to teach us a lesson for we have become obsessed with consumerism and wants,and so many things we think we want are not needed at all.
It would be nice if we revalued our lives and just concentrated on the things that matter,such as goodness and health.
I doubt we will be going back to a life we once knew anytime soon,but i pray that everyone stays safe,happy,and content in 2021 and hope for a better future.x