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Learning to realise that our voices matter

Roukaya profile image
15 Replies

I would like to say that I am grateful to this site for listening to me

I realise that our aims or aspirations are very much dependent on our own efforts

At the age of fifty I realise my journey to finding myself has begun in Lock Down

I have been the daughter of two overpowering and very confident parents by which my confidence and self belief very much under minded and relegated

I know now that confidence and self belief plays an intrinsic part to towards moving forwards

It will not be easy as the door to an opportunity will require much effort and determination to open and sadly as I watched Baroness Amos explain traditional discrimination can be prevalent but again unless we try to do what our heart tells us to do , how can the necessary changes be made

I see myself very clearly , someone who talks like a child with low confidence and low self esteem and it will take time and much patience to bring her up to her potential

This is again what this virus has taught to us appreciate what we have and build on what makes us fulfilled

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15 Replies
starveycat profile image

When I was a child I was told people have better things to do than listen to the likes of you. Another saying was to know your place. I had no parents.. so eventually I grew strong. You need to remember that you are unique, if you search the whole world there is only one of you, that makes you very special.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to starveycat

Good morning

I hope you are safe and well

I would have never realised that you have faced so much rejection in your early years and by your own efforts you have made your own independent life

Thank you for your honestly

I have always thought who is anyone to tell you what you can and cannot be

Hi Roukaya,

You've had a real journey of discovery through lockdown and that's possibly because you've had so much time to think about past life events and the part your parents have played in your life.

Change is a really difficult thing to bring about permanently, but the good thing is that you are now determined to keep trying and you are unafraid to look at what's gone wrong in the past. So you are giving yourself the best chance of changing what needs to be changed and I wish you every success in doing that.

With liberation comes much responsibility. But it also gives you a boost in self confidence and self belief. So build on those whenever you can.

Have a great day and be kind to yourself. 🙏

Roukaya profile image

Good morning

Thank you for your kind reply

I hope you are safe and well

I think the analogy of a stair case is an excellent way to observe the next journey

Very well said

I hope you continue to keep well

Roukaya profile image

Good morning

I hope you are safe and well

I thank you for your kind words of great understanding and support

It is true it has been a journey of self discovery and willingness to change

I realise the importance of recognising clearly my own weakness is essential to moving forward and making the necessary changes

I realise it will be hard for me to overcome the barriers ever present but if I do not continue to persevere I will always rending the same

I hope you are well and thank you fir your warm words of understanding

Roukaya profile image

I meant always remaining the same

bobbybobb profile image

It is good that you are finding yourself Roukaya, as I do believe, it is an important point in someone's life to start this journey to find fulfillment. It is up to us not to be ground down by circumstances, attitudes and prejudices. You are coming through this pandemic with a realization of who you are and where you want to be and that takes a strong person to take a deep look at themselves. Confidence and self esteem, these are things that can be changed. It just takes a slightly different way of thinking about yourself. Be proud of who you are and what you have done in life so far. When you believe in yourself others will believe in you. Love yourself first, then you can love others, show compassion to yourself, then you can show that to others because you have lived it and felt it. 🌸🌼

Roukaya profile image

Very beautiful words

Very uplifting

Thank you

Roukaya profile image

Good evening

I hope you are well

How did you spend your day

I would like to theming you for your very kind words of encouragement

I have always learnt to be independent as a result of being an only child

Also as I was a carer to a vulnerable abs mentally unwell Father I soon learnt how to take care of Dad until he was admitted to a Nursing Home

Both my parents have always been very independent and driven

May now at fifty I am aware of what I would like to become

Being kind to ourselves is the first step

How are you

Roukaya profile image

I meant I would like to thank you


You will get where you want to be with all the determination you have, you have shown great strength of character. You are an inspiration to us all. 💜❤️

Roukaya profile image

Thank you

I wish you a peaceful evening

Such a validating reply, reflecting all her achievements. It's easy to write stock phrases from books like i'm ok you're ok. But you show empathy and that's genuine.

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

Since you have become aware of these things, you can now tackle them, and It is good that you are trying. You have only yourself to deal with over the confidence issue, and I know your Mum is difficult, but your duty is to yourself right now.

Be determined, and stay strong. You Can do it.

Are there any courses on Assertiveness in your area? It might be a thought to try one. I did one years ago and it made a lot of difference to me and my attitudes to myself.

Cheers, Midori

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Midori

Good Afternoon

I hope you are well

I hope you are settling to your new home

I think you are quite right in the sense I need to be a little more assertive and confident when dealing with my little but over powering Mum

She is a self made entrepreneur made with pure steel and determination

I expect you are also a very strong and determined lady

I hope you are making progress with your home and now that Lock Down is easing it will be easier for you to buy the necessary furniture items

Kind Regards

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